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Accelerated Reader

Reading at North Town Primary School

As of September 2023, North Town will be launching a new reading at home scheme through Renaissance Learning called ‘Accelerated Reader’. This is a scheme that will consist of children being regularly assessed using an online system, to find a book level appropriate for their decoding and comprehension skills. Children will then be able to select a book within this level. Once completing their reading book, they will answer a range of comprehension questions to check for understanding. Accelerated Reader will be used mostly in KS2, but also in KS1 after Read Write Inc Phonics has been completed.

What are Star Assessments?

Star Assessments are standardised, summative tests that take around 20 minutes to complete. The questions asked will vary based on previous responses and difficulty will be adjusted accordingly. They will be taken in school at the initial starting of the Accelerated Reader scheme, and then half termly from then on. These assessments form results instantly, to support teachers finding gaps in the children’s knowledge, as well as identifying children that may need further intervention.

What is MyON?

MyON is a personalised, digital library. On this platform, children will be able to find their own books but will also be able to access teacher assigned books, as well as having access to AR labelled books in our school library. To ensure it is individualised, children will complete a multiple choice ‘placement test’, giving an outcome of a range of appropriate books based on the child’s reading range, age and interests. Teachers are able to view how often/long children read on myON, and other patterns across the class. MyON will be used as additional reading, as we want all of the children to be reading a library book that they can have in school with them. MyON can be accessed using the school’s unique Accelerated Reader link Your child should know their login if they are accessing this scheme.

What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated Reader is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practise. It will consist of a continuous cycle of reading practice: reading a book; taking a quiz based on this book; getting feedback and next steps ready to choose their next book. Children will be required to complete a quiz, with questions based on their book that they have read. To ensure they are working at the suitable level, they should be averaging 80-85% on these quizzes. For now, we will be completing these quizzes in school ONLY. To check a book has an Accelerated Reader quiz allocated to it, you can ask your child’s teacher or use the AR BookFinder ( This BookFinder can also be used to support your child in finding a book of interest to them, using the Advanced Search function.

What is their ZPD?

When children have been assessed, they will receive a reading range based on their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development). This will be shared to the children by their class teacher. Their ZPD is based on a range of levels of books, that will challenge a child without causing frustration or loss of motivation, to ensure children are reading books that are suitable for them. Each book will have a book level, alongside the number of points the children can receive. When children have completed an Accelerated Reader quiz for their most recently read book, they will receive these points according to the percentage of the questions they got correct.

What do I need to do at home?

As previously mentioned, children will be assessed and will be completing AR quizzes in school. This means that at home, we would like you to promote reading at home in an enthusiastic way, especially with myON or other books in their ZPD. This will lead your child in the correct direction to making the sufficient progress in reading, whether this be to support them or to challenge them. Research has shown that children who are surrounded by a positive reading environment at home, are stronger readers or make more progress. It is recommended that children read for 20 minutes, 5 times a week. It is encouraged that children read their AR book regularly, however, reading for pleasure has shown positive links to reading achievement, so reading any book or genre that they enjoy alongside their AR book is also important! The new reading framework suggests that enjoyment of reading is associated with higher reading performance, which allows children to have an increased number of future opportunities, as well as improving their social and emotional wellbeing.

We will no longer be asking for reading records to be completed, as the information on MyON and Accelerated Reader is sufficient enough for us, as teachers, to ensure the correct quantity and quality of reading is being achieved. Teachers will be having regular conversations with the children to find out what books they are reading and how often they are reading.

What can I do if I need help?

If you need any support to access MyON at home or have a further understanding of Accelerated Reader, you can find more information on the website. You can also find books that are part of the scheme and have already allocated quizzes using the online AR Book Finder.

If you are concerned about your child’s progress or attitudes towards reading, speak to their teacher to ask for advice on how to support or engage them further.