The School Admission Arrangements will be republished annually (for up to seven years) unless the Academy Trust Governors propose any changes to local policy or practice, in which case a formal public consultation will be undertaken prior to the issue of new admission arrangements.
These admission arrangements fully comply with the 2014 School Admissions Code as issued by the Department for Education. Objections on grounds of non-compliance with statutory requirement or ‘reasonableness’ may be lodged with the Education Funding Agency:
By letter post: Academies Central Unit, Education Funding Agency, 8th floor, Earlsdon Park, Butts Road, Coventry CV1 3BH.
For further information please see the documents below

Children can start school the September after they turn four. Applications for children to start school in September should be made via the Somerset County Council School Admissions website.
Starting school 2024/2025