We would like to offer a very warm welcome to our class, Royal Russets.
As a class, we are working to create an environment of respect, kindness and independence. We enjoy working hard and in different ways, such as independently, in pairs or in small groups. Throughout the year, our topics help us to achieve our goals and targets. In writing, we will be using many different technical features as well as making sure our spelling is correct. In reading, we will be applying our phonics and comprehensions skills. In maths, we will be developing our problem solving and reasoning. We enjoy adopting a holistic approach to learning through an overarching topic with the main drivers being collaboration, self-management and independent enquiry. We will be encouraging the children to be reflective learners, engage in creative thinking and effective participation in the work that they do. Finally, we believe that the children should be allowed to take some ownership of their learning and we enjoy providing the opportunities for this to happen.