Dear parents/carers,
This week our wonderful Year Six pupils have completed a mock SATs week. I have spent the week singing their praises and told them that I would be mentioning their efforts and determination in the newsletter. A huge well done to them all – they have been brilliant!
Year will be taking their formal SATs during the week beginning Monday 8th May and we expect all year 6 children to be in attendance
This half term has flown by. It has been incredibly busy but very enjoyable. I wish you, the children and my team an enjoyable and restful half term and I very much look forward to seeing you all on Monday 20th February.
Staff Updates
Today, we say goodbye to Holly Davies – LSA and to Soraya Coles – Admin Assistant. They are both leaving us for new opportunities in other schools. We wish them both every success and would like to thank them for their help and support during their time with us.
We have recently appointed a new Nursery Practitioner, Kirstie Porter who has already joined us.
Charlotte O’Neill has joined us this week as a LSA and after half term we will have Elizabeth Lucking joining us.
Emma Woodward will also be joining us after half term as the new Catering Manager.
We would like to welcome them all and wish them every success for their time with us.
Mrs Richards has kindly sent out letters to parents and carers of children in Reception Class and Year One with an invitation to attend a Read, Write Inc. Phonics Information meeting on Thursday 9th March. I cannot emphasise enough how important attending these meetings are in supporting the children with their phonics and early reading. The timings of the meetings are mentioned in the Dates for the Diary section and on the letters sent by parentmail.
I would like to remind you all of the importance of good attendance. It is crucial that your child arrives to school on time as this has such an impact on them and their peers
North Town Wrap Around
You will all be aware that North Town Primary School and Nursery will be taking over the wrap around care that Tawnies have brilliantly provided these past years. We will be sending out information after half term about our wraparound. Our plan is to build on the excellent work of Tawnies. Breakfast Club will continue to open from 7:30am and the After School Club will close at the same time of 6pm. Watch this space for more information after half term.
Parents Evening
Thank you to the many families that attended parents evening on Wednesday. It was lovely to see you all. Just a reminder that we have another parents evening on Tuesday 21st February from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm and Year 6 will be having one on Wednesday 1st March ( instead of Wednesday 8th February 2023)
World Book Day
North Town will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3rd March this year. The actual day is Thursday 2nd but we have classes on trips etc. and we would like to ensure that as many children can take part. Children will be welcome to dress up as their favourite book character or dress in their pyjamas (as a bedtime story theme.)
Cricket Team in the News
It was brilliant to see an article about our cricket team in the Somerset Gazette. The children look the part in their new kit and are very excited about the season ahead.
NSPCC Number Day – Friday 3rd February
We promised to let you all know the total raised on last weeks ‘Number Day Mufti’ in aid of NSPCC and I can now confirm a total of £402, which is fantastic. Thank you to all who contributed to this total for such a worthy cause.
Dates for the diary – 2023
Wednesday 8th February (4:30-7:30) – Parents’ Evening
Saturday 11th February – Sunday 19th Feb – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)
Tuesday 21st February (3:30 – 6:30) – Parents Evening
Tuesday 21st February – Year 4 visit to Taunton Library
Monday 27th February – Year 4 Sports Festival at Blackbrook
Wednesday & Thursday 1st – 2nd March – Year 6 Bikeability course
Thursday 2nd March – Year 4 Trip to Paignton Zoo
Friday 3rd March – World Book Day – more details to follow
Wednesday & Thursday 8th & 9th March – Year 6 Bikeability course
Thursday 9th March – Read Write Inc. phonics Information Meetings. Reception parents (Pippins) at 9:00 am and for year one parents at 2:15 pm
Monday & Tuesday 13th & 14th March – Year 6 Bikeability course
14th March – Year 4 visit to Sassi Holford (next door)
Hope you all have a restful weekend and half term break.
Mark Braund
Head Teacher