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10th March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

What an eventful week it has been at North Town – Ofsted inspection and snow! I want to start this newsletter by thanking all the parents and carers that took the time to complete the Ofsted Parent View Survey. Mrs Screech and I spent many hours speaking with the inspector and we both were incredibly touched and appreciate the positive response from you all. We also appreciated your kindness, support and encouragement throughout the inspection – it gave us all a huge lift!

I just want to feedback that we found the whole experience a fair and informative process. The inspector took the time to really get an excellent understanding of North Town School and Nursery. A draft report will be issued to us in approximately three weeks’ time and will be published after Easter.

I am incredibly proud of my staff team and children. It was a very busy two days for the inspector and all staff and children were pleased to be able to have the chance to show what we all do at North Town!

Wrap Around

Please see the update letter being sent separately by Parentmail along with the response form for you to complete (on Parentmail)


Huge thanks to Mrs. Richards running the Read Write Inc. parent meetings yesterday.


Another group of Year 6 children took part in the two day Bikeability course this week, albeit a day later than planned due to the snow!

Medical Students

Fantastic Opportunity for our Year 4 and 5 students….Thank you to Mrs Speller and Mrs Screech for making this possible. We had several groups of medical students in to work with our Year 4 & 5 children and develop First Aid and life support skills. The sessions were enjoyed by all.

Red Nose Day

On Friday 17th March, North Town will be joining thousands of people up and down the country, spreading joy, having fun and raising money for those who need it most. The children can come to school wearing something that makes them and the school smile, in return for a donation. Pick a theme, don the best home-made costume ever, go red from head to toe or simply dig out your brightest socks. This year you can also donate by scanning the QR code on the Comic Relief Posters.

Polling Station Update

We have received an update from Councillor Caroline Ellis following our plea for North Town not to be used as a Polling Station and the good news is that the Albemarle Centre will be used instead. I am delighted that we will be able to keep our school and nursery open.

Dates for the diary – 2023

Monday & Tuesday 13th & 14th March – Year 6 Bikeability course

Tuesday 14th March – Year 4 visit to Sassi Holford (next door)

Tuesday 14th March – Book Fair after school from 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm

Friday 17th March – Comic Relief

Wednesday 29th March at 2pm – Nursery & KS1 Reading Workshop with Ann Harvey

Thursday 30th March at 2pm – KS2 Reading Workshop with Ann Harvey

Friday 31st March – INSET Day – School Closed to Children

Saturday 1st April – 16th April – Easter Holidays

Monday 17th April – School resumes – start of Summer Term

Mark Braund

Head Teacher