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13th January 2023

Dear parents/carers

What a busy start to 2023 at North Town it has been! The children and staff looked brilliant in their Vocabulary Day costumes yesterday! Thank you so much for your support with this.

From next week, our new Phase Leaders (Mrs Richards, Mrs Hayes and Miss Newstead) will be on the gate once a week. It is something I really enjoy, as it brilliant to see the children coming to school and leaving with huge smiles. It is also nice to see the parents and families.

Can I remind parents and carers that we send a newsletter out every week on a Friday through Parent Mail. It is also added to the homepage and news area of our website. Please can all families take the time to read them, as there is so much information we like to communicate and we do not want anyone missing key information.


Schools across the country including the staff at North Town spend time educating the children about online safety and appropriate use of technology.

We want to ensure what we cover and discuss with the children best prepares them with life skills when using technology. I recently spoke with the Year Six children about not having such technology when I was growing up and although technology has advanced over the years, it can bring challenges and issues for children and adults.

We cover the way to communicate and what to communicate with friends when online and when using phones. In a recent assembly, I spoke to the KS2 children about the importance of being aware of others feelings and whatever you post to think carefully about:

  1. Would I want this messaged to me?
  2. How would I feel if it was messaged to me?
  3. Do I want my parents, someone else’s parents or my teacher to read my message?

I always say to the children that you message/text only what you would say in person. I also remind the children of whatever is text/typed is in the domain forever.

At a recent safeguarding update for all staff in the Richard Huish Trust they highlighted the age recommendation of using specific apps and social media. These are:

Whatsapp – 16+

Snap Chat – 13+

Instagram – 13+

Tik Tok – 13+

Youtube 13+

We would really appreciate your ongoing support with such matters by checking phones from time to time and having the conversations with the children about how we communicate when using technology.

We really appreciate your support with this and working together with us.

Timing Reminder

Please remember the school start and finish times as below:

Start of Day

8:30 am – 8:40 am  – Early Years and Key Stage One

8:40 am – Siblings

8:45 am – Key Stage Two

8:50 am – School Gates Close – if you arrive after this time, please bring your child to the school office so they can be recorded on the register.

End of Day

3:00 pm – 3:10 pm – Early Years and Key Stage One

3:10 pm – Siblings

3:15 pm – 3:20 pm – Key Stage Two

3:20 pm – School Gates Close – if you arrive after this time you will need to come to school via the front gate.


Just a reminder for any new families joining us that we do not allow the children to use their scooters on the school premises before or after school and they must only use them when they leave the premises. We have had a few near misses over the year and we need to ensure that everyone enters and leaves the school safely.

Starting Primary School – September 2023 – deadline for applications

If you have a child who is due to start primary school in September 2023, the deadline to apply for a place is 15th January 2023.  If you have not already applied, please remember to apply before this date. More information can be found here:

Apply to start school for the first time (

Mrs Holmes – Maternity Leave

A reminder that Mrs Holmes starts her maternity leave at the end of today, we wish her all the best for the safe arrival of her bundle of joy.

Mr White will be looking after the class whilst Mrs. Holmes is away from school and the class will become 3SW.


Please could we remind you to send your child/children in with weather appropriate clothing, ie: a waterproof coat if it is raining or a warm coat if it is due to be cold.

Christmas Sparkle Project

Thank you so much to everyone in our school community who contributed to our collection of presents for the Christmas Sparkle Project. Please see the email below which was recently received from the organisers of the Sparkle Project.

“I’d like to thank you and your kind-hearted community for the lovely toy donations that you collected for the project.

Your support has been invaluable this year as we had a 47% increase in requests for gifts. Thanks to the kindness of people like you in the local community, we were able to give over 8,000 items to 2,260 children and young people who would otherwise have had nothing or very little.

Here is some feedback that we have been given permission to share:

Can I start by thanking your team, the volunteers, schools and companies for their generous donations and all the work to sort and parcel each package. My little boys face lit up yesterday after he picked up his present from school. He has had a tough few years and your present has lifted his spirit and given him a sign of how our communities look after those who are vulnerable. I wish you all a truly peaceful and happy Christmas and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support this Christmas.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2023.”

Vocabulary Day

Yesterday we took part in Vocabulary Day. A day to immerse children in the wonderful world of words! Alongside the other Richard Huish Primary Schools, we invited the children and staff to dress up as a word (a verb or adjective in particular) It was wonderful to see everyone come to school dressed in their different costumes, please see some photos below. Thank you to Mrs. Kerton for organising this wonderful event.

Phonics Clinics

Thank you to Mrs. Richards for organising the RWI Phonics Drop in Clinic after school on Monday. The clinics run from 3.20pm – 3.50pm every Monday in New Rock Pippins classroom. The door will be open to answer any questions you may have about your child’s phonics group, phonics assessment, what they need to work on or how you can support at home. This applies to the whole of Early Years (Reception and Years One and Two) and some of our older children.


We really appreciate the parent support and lovely comments about our new Nursery Manager. It is great to have her on board.

Richard Huish College

As a school, we are developing a close relationship with the college. This included the filming of the nativity performances last term, support with photographs of our school and potentially with SATS. This support has both been from students and staff alike and is very much appreciated.

Mufti Total – Friday 6th January 2023

We raised a grand total of £358.38 on last Friday’s Mufti day. Thank you to all who contributed.

Dates for the diary – 2023

Friday 3rd February – Mufti Day

Wednesday 8th February (4:30-7:30) – Parents’ Evening

Saturday 11th February – Sunday 19th Feb – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)

Hope you all have a restful weekend

Mark Braund

Head Teacher