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13th October 2023

Dear parents/carers,

It was brilliant to see so many of you at our first parents evening on Tuesday. Mrs Screech and I were delighted with the many positive comment regarding our new intervention rooms in the library. It was super to catch up with so many of you throughout the evening. Thank you for the support you give us all at North Town and for working alongside us.

It was an absolute pleasure showing prospective parents around North Town this morning – the children were, as ever, an absolute credit to the school and I was immensely proud of everyone. This afternoon, the school office received an email from a prospective parent. It read:

‘Good afternoon, 

I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a lovely visit we had at your open morning. 

I honestly was so amazed how lovely it is there. The children all did you so proud 

Please pass on my thanks to everyone involved. You have a lovely school.’ 

Half-term is upon us! Wishing you all a smashing time with your families and friends and I very much look forward to seeing you all on Monday 30th October.

Staff News

Wishing Mrs Kerton a happy and healthy maternity leave. We are all very excited for the Kerton family and we look forward to hearing the wonderful news of the arrival of Baby Kerton.

Miss Chalcroft has kindly agreed to teach Class 5CK full time until Christmas. Mrs Holmes will return from maternity leave after Christmas and will cover Mrs Kerton’s days

A huge congratulations to Gillian Ford who has been interviewed today by members of the school leadership team and has been appointed our School Nurture Lead. Well done Gillian!

Harvest Donations

Wow! A huge thank you for the very kind donations for the Open Door charity in Taunton! Mrs Screech kindly took a photo of the Harvest display. That display was only 25% of the donations! Open Door were very appreciative! Thank you!

Pupil Premium

Thank you to all the parents that have completed the pupil premium link that we sent out! If you haven’t, can I please urge you to do this. Pupil Premium money allows schools to afford additional support that wouldn’t be possible.

Parents Evening – Wednesday 1st November

Just a reminder that we have our second Parents Evening on Wednesday 1st November. Parents and carers are invited to view books in the library before or after your allotted appointment.


Our Christmas Sparkle donation box will be in the main Reception area after the Half Term holiday. If you are able, please donate a gift for a child aged between 0-18yrs. All gifts should be new, and NOT wrapped. If you would prefer to give a cash donation, please leave your preferred amount at the School Office – this will be used by the Charity to purchase further gifts/wrapping paper etc.

Support for mums to get back into work.

The Women’s Work Lab supports unemployed Mums in receipt of benefits back into work via training and work placements. Our mums have faced barriers to work including: domestic abuse, lone parenting, children with SEN or home displacement. They have a variety of work experience and interests.

Our bespoke classroom training, work placement and mentoring programmes focus on building confidence, ambition and employability skills. We specialise in unlocking potential and laying the foundations for a brighter future. Outcomes for participants include moving closer to work, positive role modelling for their families & communities, and the creation of vital support networks. Many will also secure paid roles as part of the programme.

We are planning to support 120 Mums in the South West in 2023 and have a programme that is starting in Taunton on the 9th January 2024 at The Great Western Hotel.

Applications are open now on the website

Secondary School Applications

This is a reminder that the closing date for secondary school applications, for year 6 children, is Tuesday 31st October 2023.  These applications can be made on the Somerset Council website.

Key Dates for the Autumn Term


Friday 20th October 2023 – INSET Day School Closed to Children

Saturday 21st October to Sunday 29th October 2023 – Half Term Holiday