Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Friday, we held the Leaver’s BBQ and Discos for all year groups – the atmosphere throughout the whole evening was wonderful. The evening finished with Year Six having their own DISCO and my goodness, they had the best time! Staff commented on how all of the children (and many staff) were up dancing and singing along and enjoying every minute. I do recognise that I must do better at the Macarena! A huge thank you to the PTA, staff and volunteers in ensuring that events like last week are possible!
Just a reminder that we finish for the summer holidays on Thursday 20th July.
Best wishes,
Mr Braund
Staff News
Sarah Leyman will be leaving the school as office manager in mid-September for a new opportunity with South West Councils. Sarah deserves this opportunity, but she will be a huge loss to the school. I have loved working with Sarah (as have the whole team) and have really appreciated her commitment, professionalism, and advice these past months. We really hope Sarah keeps in touch as she will always be welcome back to visit.
North Town Nursery
Laura Saward will be leaving the nursery at the end of term. We thank Laura for being a part of the North Town team these past years and the contribution she has made to the nursery. We are delighted that Laura will still be part of the North Town community with Jack and Hazel at the school.
Pupil Premium
We would like to remind you all to take the opportunity to apply for Free School Meals, as if entitled this will mean that you are eligible for pupil premium as well as the free meals. This also means that the school will receive additional funding.
Currently, at North Town we also offer a pupil premium grant for those who qualify as the children of service families or those entitled to free school meals and this can be used to spend on trips/residentials/music lessons or school uniform.
It can really make a difference to you and the school, please don’t delay – apply today!
Please click on the link below to apply online.
Free school meals (
Also remember that all children in Years R – 2 receive universal infant free school meals regardless of circumstance. This does not entitle you to the pupil premium grant unless you have already met the criteria assessed by applying.
North Town Wraparound – Important Information
Due to the staffing numbers and trying to maintain an excellent provision for all children, we have decided to cap the numbers of children attending wraparound to 45.
However, if you find that you have an emergency where you need wraparound and have not already booked, please give the school a call and we should be able to help you.
We have also had a few children arriving at wraparound who have not been booked in for a session.
You MUST make sure that you have pre-booked your child’s space on the session, please do not assume this will be ok and arrive with them. You are able to checked booked sessions on the MCAS app, if you are struggling to do this, please pop to the school office and we can show you how.
If you have any old school shirts/shirts you no longer need, wraparound will gladly take them off your hands to use as aprons for the children when they take part in crafting/painting activities. If you have any materials/buttons or items that could be used for crafting/collage, these would also be appreciated. The school office will gladly receive any donations.
School Uniform Policy
We know that many of you will be thinking ahead an buying new uniform for your children in readiness for their return to school in September, but may we remind you of the following included in our school uniform policy:
- School shoes should be black in colour – Boots are not permissible.
- Trouser/Shorts/Pinafores and Skirts should be grey in colour.
- Green school cardigan or jumper
- The children should wear white shirts not polo shirts, along with a school tie.
- Long hair should be tied back with hairbands and clips preferably in uniform colours.
- No jewellery is allowed other than stud earrings.
- No nail varnish.
Could we also remind you about the importance of naming your child’s belongings. If you see what ends up in lost property on a weekly basis you would be surprised. Anything unclaimed will be used as second-hand uniform or placed in the textile bank near our front entrance.
Missing North Town Sports Kit
Please could you check at home and return any North Town sports kit that has been worn for an extra-curricular event. This will either be a green and black Joma top with a number on the back, a green and black hooped rugby top, or NT cricket whites. This can be returned to the office or your class teacher.
Disco’s and Year 6 Leavers Evening
A massive thank you to our PTA and all who helped make last Friday evening possible. We made a whopping £1025!
Mufti Total
We raised a fantastic £320.77 from last Friday’s mufti day. Thank you to all who contributed for your generosity.
Parent Information Box
In the information box next week will be a guide to keeping your child safe when out and about and at sport/social groups. Please take one.
Music Tuition at North Town
Taunton Music currently visit North Town to provide music tuition to some of our children on a Monday and Thursday.
With our Year 6 children leaving us at the end of summer term, there will be availability for music lessons. If this is something you/your child is interested in, please get in touch with Taunton Music to find out a little bit more. They will be able to let you know the cost and the lessons they are able to offer. You can find more information here: Music Lessons in Taunton | Taunton Music – Where Students Excel
Dates for the diary – 2023
Monday 17th July – Year 6 Production –Rehearsal at Richard Huish College
Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Production – Performance
Wednesday 19th July – Year 6 Trip to Crealy park
Thursday 20th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at St James Church at 10:00 am
Friday 21st July – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils
Saturday 22nd July – Sunday 3rd September – Summer Holidays
Monday 4th September – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils
Tuesday 5th September – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils
Wednesday 6th September – Start of Autumn Term 1 – School Resumes