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15th March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was wonderful to see North Town in RED today! The children looked brilliant. I took the KS2 assembly on Monday and spoke to the children about Red Nose Day and the importance of not losing sight about the reason for this day. You could have heard a pin drop as I spoke to them about the impact such charities have. The children showed compassion and understanding for others in need. Thank you for your kind donations – these will be sent on to Comic Relief.

On Wednesday I was absolutely delighted to have several visitors from Pippins to show me their amazing writing. They were so excited to show me their work and I was really impressed with what they had achieved.

Best wishes

Mr Braund


Parent Survey 2024

Thank you to all the parents and carers that took the time to complete the ‘Parent Survey 2024.’ It is really important to us that you have an opportunity to feed back on school matters. We are really thrilled with the results of the survey and also really grateful with the comments about the school, the team and how happy the children are at North Town. It is an absolute delight to see how much the children enjoy attending the school. Our response to some of the questions are below:

Class Dojo

I just wanted to reassure parents that there is no need to pay for any additional functions on the Class Dojo APP. Everything you need is free to access. Class teachers will continue to endeavour to update their Class Dojo pages as much as possible and include lots of photos so that you can see what the children are covering in school.

Apps for Parents

We are very much aware that we have too many apps at the moment for parents and carers to check. By the start of the summer term we should only have MCAS and Class Dojo. Class Dojo will be used to raise awareness of what the children are learning in class and also for class communications. MCAS will be used for bookings of wraparound and ordering of meals. We also send a newsletter out to all parents on a Friday. It is really important that all parents and carers take the time to read the newsletter so that you are aware of all key information.

Communication with Teachers

I am sure you appreciate that in the mornings the class teachers are focussed on seeing the children into class and registering for the day ahead. If there is something urgent to pass onto the teacher, the senior leadership team and office staff can do this. Please be assured that class teachers are outside with the children at the end of every day when parents collect them and they are available to answer any questions.


School Disco

A huge thank you to our PTA, staff and volunteers for supporting with the school discos last week. The children had a wonderful time and danced, danced and danced some more. Their behaviour was outstanding and they were so polite and appreciative.

Catering Team Position

We are looking for someone to join our catering team for two hours a day (11:30am-1:30pm) for the summer term. The role is very much helping with serving and washing up during lunch service. No experience is necessary for this role. For more information, please speak to Senior Leaders or the Office Team.

Lost property

We have a large amount of lost property at the moment, this includes uniform, coats, lunchboxes and more!  Lost property can be found and claimed in the reception area by the office.

Please can we ask that you name ALL items that come into school, so that they can be returned easily.

Any unnamed items not claimed will be given to charity at the end of term.

Air Up water bottle

An Air Up water bottle has been handed in, if you believe this belongs to you or your child please come and claim it from the school office.

Design an Egg Competition

Next week the PTA will be holding a design an egg competition.  You can collect an egg template in exchange for £1.00 from your class teacher.  Last day for entries will be Friday 22nd March 2024.  Prizes for the best KS1 and KS2 entries will be awarded in the final week of term.

Mrs Connah

Mrs Connah will be leaving the North Town at the end of the spring term. Thank you, Gemma, for everything you have done for North Town over the years.  We all wish you every success for the future.