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16th June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another week has flown by! It certainly has been a hot one! Thank you for sending the children in with caps, extra drinks and sun lotion applied. Next week we have sports days and our summer fete. Can I please remind parents and carers to not post any photos on social media  (if other children are in the photos) taken at sports day – I know you will understand that this is due to safeguarding. We are looking forward to both events and hope to see as many of you as possible. There will be no need for parents and carers to be limbering up over the weekend as there won’t be a parent race! 😊

Wishing you all a smashing weekend!


Best wishes,

Mark Braund


Timings of the School Day from September

From September, we will no longer be having staggered start times at North Town. The gates will open at 8:40 for all children and will close at 8:50. All children will be able to walk to class at 8:40 instead of waiting on the playground. The school day will finish for everyone at 3:15pm.

Sports Days

Tues 20th June – 09:30-11:30 KS1 Sports Day (R,1 & 2)

Thurs 22nd June – 09:30-12:00 KS2 Sports Day (3,4,5 & 6)

Whilst we are hoping the weather remains favourable for our sports days next week, we are unable predict what will happen on the day! We may need to make a late call if weather conditions deteriorate and will decide as soon as we are able. A message will be sent by text message if we need to move either event.

School Book Fair

From Tuesday 20th until Friday 23rd we will have the school book fair after school from 3:00 – 3:45 (until 5pm on the Friday) in the library/outside. There will be a range of wonderful books for you to purchase. We look forward to seeing you 🙂

PTA Summer Fair – Friday 23rd June 2023

Planning for our PTA fair is well underway, and we are very excited to welcome families. If you can donate anything for our PTA raffle, we would greatly appreciate it! Anything from vouchers for hair or nails, a free window clean, a money off voucher or any good quality unwanted gifts. The money raised from our fair goes directly towards resources and equipment to enhance the children’s school day.

We are also planning to have a school uniform stall and a children’s book stall. If you can donate any school branded uniform items and children’s books, we would be very grateful. Please send any donations in with your child to their classroom.

Wraparound – Bookings from September

We hope to make the bookings system live for September bookings at the very beginning of July.

If you are currently paying using a childcare voucher provider or government gateway tax free childcare, then we will need you to make any payments for September bookings by 10th July at the latest. This is to give time for the payments to be sent to our account, to trace the payments and upload them to your MCAS account for you to make the bookings you will ned. We will not be monitoring the statement or payments received after Thursday 20th July until school resumes in September.

Wraparound Booking Procedure Reminder

After a successful half term of our new wraparound provision, we would like to politely remind all parents of the requirement to book any sessions required in advance, please do not send your child to wraparound without confirming the booking first. If you are too late to book, you must contact the office and make the necessary arrangements.

On the reverse side of this, if your child is booked in for wraparound and they will not be attending please let the team know by emailing      or by calling 07566 733010.

Where the office team have made a booking on your behalf, the expectation is for the parent to access the MCAS app and pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible. For parents who may already have outstanding amounts, please be aware that we will be unable to make future bookings for you until you have paid and uploaded a sufficient credit to cover the outstanding amount and subsequent bookings.

Parent Information Box

In the information box next week is a guide to the safe use of SPOTIFY. Please take one

Music Tuition at North Town

Taunton Music currently visit North Town to provide music tuition to some of our children on a Monday and Thursday.

With our Year 6 children leaving us at the end of summer term, there will be availability for music lessons. If this is something you/your child is interested in, please get in touch with Taunton Music to find out a little bit more. They will be able to let you know the cost and the lessons they are able to offer. You can find more information here: Music Lessons in Taunton | Taunton Music – Where Students Excel

Dates for the diary – 2023

Tuesday 20th June – Friday 23rd June – School Book Fair 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm

Tues 20th June – 09:30-11:30 KS1 Sports Day (R,1 & 2)

Thurs 22nd June – 09:30-12:00 KS2 Sports Day (3,4,5 & 6)

Friday 23rd June – PTA Summer Fair

Thursday 6th July – Summer Concert at Richard Huish College – 5 pm

Friday 7th July – Year 4 visiting Abbeyfield Residents

Tuesday 11th July – Year 4 visiting Taunton Academy

Friday 14th July – Year 4 Poetry Event for Parents – School Hall

Monday 17th July – Year 6 Production – Dress Rehearsal at Richard Huish College

Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Production – Performance

Thursday 20th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at St James Church at 10:00 am

Friday 21st July – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils

Saturday 22nd July – Sunday 3rd September – Summer Holidays

Monday 4th September – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils

Tuesday 5th September – INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils

Wednesday 6th September – Start of Autumn Term 1 – School Resumes