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17th November 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I want to start this newsletter by thanking you all for your support, generosity and kindness. Our Readathon has raised more than £2000. The staff at North Town have been completely blown away by this and we are really grateful. Miss Causely is busy preparing a huge order of new books ready for our library! Thank you for making this possible and a huge congratulations to our wonderful children in completing the readathon!

The children looked fabulous in their spots today! Once again, your generosity for ‘Children in Need’ is very much appreciated.

The past weeks we have had open mornings for children that will be starting school in September 2024. There have been many comments about the excellent behaviour and the lovely atmosphere around the school. A huge well done to the children and staff.

Wrap Around

We are really delighted with your comments and support with the North Town Wraparound. I am really grateful to Julie, Donna and the team in ensuring that our provision runs like it does. The children have a wide range of activities to do during their time at wraparound and seem to really enjoy their experience.

The wraparound team would appreciate any donations of toys, games and books if families ever have a sort out at home.

We still have availability of spaces at our breakfast club which opens at 7:30 until the start of the school day.

Mr Reading has put the phone number for the wraparound team on the gates for parents to use if they can’t get through on the intercom.


A huge thank you to the North Town PTA and volunteers for the efforts with the Disco last Friday! What a brilliant event! The children had a fabulous time and certainly busted some moves on the dance floor! A huge thank you to the staff that supported and spent the evening on the dance floor with the children. We raised £900 and this will make a huge difference! Thank you!

Christmas jumpers and outfits

Last year we asked parents to donate any Christmas jumpers that are too small for their children so that others can make use of them. A parent this week suggested that we ask if parents would like to donate an outfit their child wore for the EYFS and Year One Christmas shows last year so that they can be used again. A really lovely idea!


If you are coming to the school for a meeting with a member of staff, please can you ensure that you come and sign in at the school office.

Parent Information Box

“Christmas is coming…….” and your child wants a phone! But are you aware of the risks for children who are online? Our information box this week contains a quick guide from Barnardo’s on keeping your child safe.

Please take one.

Christmas Sparkle

The Christmas Sparkle Elves are coming next week!  If you have any further items to donate, please ensure they are in the collection box by end of school day on WEDNESDAY 22nd November, so we can bag them up ready to go.

Don’t forget, if you would rather make a cash donation, this can be given to the Office Staff and will be handed to Christmas Sparkle to purchase extra presents, wrapping paper etc.

Thank you for the amazing response so far!

Nursery Food hygiene rating

I am pleased to inform you that nursery have had a visit from food hygiene today and have kept their 5* rating.

Archie Project

Year 4 have joined in partnership with Reminiscence Learning again to learn more about dementia. As part of the Archie Project, Archie the Scarecrow came in to introduce the project to the children and told us about what dementia is and what the different types are.