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Dear Parents and Carers,

Another week has raced by at North Town – as I type, I have had some very proud children from year one visiting my office to show me their wonderful writing!

After watching on with complete pride at the Year 6 children complete their SATs tests last week I have arranged for Gideon Amos to visit next week to discuss the education landscape and also the SATS tests. He has kindly agreed to sit one of the papers. I am delighted with his response and know it will increase awareness and understanding of the curriculum expectations for our children. Another matter I will be discussing with Gideon is school finances to ensure he is aware of the challenges all schools are facing with funding.

Wishing you all a smashing weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr Braund


We have successfully secured an additional £10,000 of funding from the Trust for some repair works to Tree Bottoms (empty building behind Class 5CK)  and were wondering if any of our parents have access to match funding. We have so many things we would like to accomplish within the school, but continuing budget constraints make this a huge challenge.

If you believe you can help or know anyone who can, please let the school office or Mr. Braund know.

Following on from this, if any parents have links to a business or company who would be prepared to sponsor the school or support some of our projects, please let us know.

Mufti Day

We have held our Dress for Dementia Mufti today and would like to encourage any donations to be given directly via Just Giving. The link is included below

School Resources

To preserve the precious resources and books we do have; we will be starting to send home reading books in a clear plastic bag. It is hoped that this will preserve books for future use, especially when our budget is increasingly diminished. We would like to ask for parent/carer support with this in making sure your children are looking after school property when it is at home and returned to us in the same condition.

Celebration Assemblies

Due to the increasing demands of the second half of summer term, we have taken the decision to present any award certificates in the classroom without parents.

North Town Wrap Around

The wraparound contact telephone number is 07566 733010 . This will be on during the hours the provision will be open. Please also use this number when coming to collect your child in the evenings when arriving at the Staplegrove Road gate. We will eventually have a gate buzzer but unfortunately this has been delayed.

We also have a contact email address:    for any queries you may have. Please do not expect a reply outside of the normal school hours.

Wraparound Booking Window & Payments

A gentle reminder that the booking window closes four days prior to the session taking place, please make sure you book in time. If you do not manage to book a session, please get in touch with the office team who will be happy to help.

Where the office team have made a booking on your behalf, the expectation is for the parent to access the MCAS app and pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible. For parents who may already have outstanding amounts, please be aware that we will be unable to make future bookings for you until you have paid and uploaded a sufficient credit to cover the outstanding amount and subsequent bookings.

If you are using childcare vouchers or the government gateway to pay for your wraparound bookings, please ensure that you continue to keep your account topped up to cover the sessions required and continue to make your voucher payments to cover the sessions you will require. It would also be really helpful if you are able to confirm once you have sent a payment, the amount, child/children it relates to and how you would like the amount divided across the various sessions.

Year 6 Business Project – Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported the sale and made it a huge success yesterday. A whopping £400 was raised!

Well done Year 6!

Next Thursday, 25th May, year 6 will be selling ice-lollies after school.

Making Memories for Emily – Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Emily is a student at Richard Huish college, at the age of 12 she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. She has undergone intensive medical treatment, but unfortunately in 2020 a further 3 more tumours were found on Emily’s spine, further operations were not successful and now the cancer is terminal. Emily has remained positive throughout and has one final wish to go to Disneyland with her family. We have teamed up with students from Richard Huish college to help make this happen. Children in year 2 and year 3 will be taking part in organised activities, such as cake decorating and planting a sunflower in the morning. Then the students will be offering activities to all the children during lunch time. We are asking parents to bring in a donation on the day to help Emily make her memories with her family. This will be happening on Tuesday 23rd May. If you would like to make a donation to Emily’s ‘go fund me’ page, please follow the link below:

 Fundraiser by Shaun Sparks : Making memories for Emily (


Dates for the diary – 2023

Tuesday 23rd May – Charity Fundraising – Making Memories for Emily for year 2 & 3 children

Thursday 25th May – Year 6 Selling Ice-Lollies after school

Friday 26th May – Stand Up Paddleboarding 5CK Children

Friday 26th May – Last Day of Summer Term 1

Saturday 27th May – Sunday 4th June – Half Term

Monday 5th June – School Open – Start of Summer Term 2

Thursday 8th June – Year 5 Greek Day

Friday 9th June – Mufti Day with Chocolate Donations for the Summer Fair

Monday 12th June – Year 3 visit to local Mosque

Tues 20th June – 09:30-11:30 KS1 Sports Day (R,1 & 2)

Thurs 22nd June – 09:30-12:00 KS2 Sports Day (3,4,5 & 6)

Friday 23rd June – PTA Summer Fair

Thursday 6th July – Summer Concert at Richard Huish College – Time TBC

Monday 17th July – Year 6 Production – Dress Rehearsal at Richard Huish College

Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Production – Performance

Thursday 20th July – Year 6 Leavers Service at St James Church at 10:00 am