Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a super half term! It was great to see the children so excited about returning to school on Monday. It was also brilliant to see so many parents and carers at Parents Evening this week. It is incredible to think we are halfway through the academic year!
Have a smashing weekend.
Mr Braund
Cricket at North Town
A huge well done to the North Town Cricket Team for the way they competed in a tournament at Queen’s College over half term. Mr Venning was absolutely thrilled with the skills on show but also the attitude of our children. Well done everyone!
Parking at the back of the school
I just wanted to remind all parents to please not park on the single yellow lines at the back of the school. We need to keep this area clear for many reasons to ensure that all our families can arrive and leave the premises safely.
Ordering school lunches
As you are aware, the ordering of school lunches will be switching from ParentMail to MCAS on Monday 15th April. Ordering of these meals will be from Monday 4th March. If you have any questions about logging onto this new system, please contact the school office.
Just a reminder that we have a mufti day next Friday (1st March) and ask for a £1 donation for the PTA.
World Book Day
Just a reminder that we are celebrating World Book Day on Friday 8th March (we cannot do Thursday 7th March due to Bikeability for Year 6.) The children can come to school on this day as a character from a story or their pyjamas to reinforce the importance of a bedtime story.
In the box this week is information about FREE online courses for separated parents. The course is provided by Somerset Council and starts on April 16th. Please help yourself. The box can be found on the playground wall outside the main office.