Dear parents/carers,
It was wonderful to open the gates on Monday and see so many excited and enthusiastic children returning to school. They have had a super first week back. Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended parents evening on Tuesday. It was brilliant to see you all and we really appreciated the feedback on our new arrangements for the evenings. You will see below that you are invited to some workshops to support with reading and phonics. I cannot emphasise the importance of attending such events. The more we can offer to parent and carers on how to support with children’s learning the greater the impact. Wishing you all a smashing weekend.
Staff News
This week we have welcomed Charlotte O’Neill as an LSA and Emma Woodward as our new Catering Manager at North Town. We wish them both every success during their time with us.
Reading Workshops
We all know reading is important for our children and immersing them in an environment with rich reading experiences is beneficial for many reasons. Sometimes though, the reality of this and knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Towards the end of March we are lucky to have Ann Harvey joining us to share good reading tips, offer support and further expand our knowledge of why reading is so important. Ann works within the Somerset Literacy Network team and has worked with many schools in Somerset sharing her vast amount of knowledge and experience. We would like to invite you in for this session. Nursery and KS1 parents and carers talk will be on Wednesday 29th March at 2:00pm and KS2 parents and carers talk will be on Thursday 30th March at 2:00pm. The sessions will last for roughly an hour. We can’t wait to see you there.
Mrs Richards has kindly sent out letters to parents and carers of children in Reception Class and Year One with an invitation to attend a Read, Write Inc. Phonics Information meeting on Thursday 9th March. I cannot emphasise enough how important attending these meetings are in supporting the children with their phonics and early reading. The timings of the meetings are mentioned in the Dates for the Diary section and on the letters sent by Parentmail.
I would like to remind you all of the importance of good attendance. It is crucial that your child arrives to school on time as this has such an impact on them and their peers. Some parents and carers will be aware that we have sent out attendance letters this week. As a school, we are aware of the sickness bugs and illnesses that can cause attendance issues. We do have a duty of care and it is important that we continue to send letters as a reminder of our aim to have the children attending school as close to 100% of the time as possible.
North Town Wrap Around
You will all be aware that North Town Primary School and Nursery will be taking over the wrap around care that Tawnies have brilliantly provided these past years. Our plan is to build on the excellent work of Tawnies. Breakfast Club will continue to open from 7:30am and the After School Club will close at the same time of 6pm. Please see the letter sent by Parentmail today for more information.
Parents Evening
A reminder that Year 6 will be having their second parents evening on Wednesday 1st March, this is to replace appointments made on Wednesday 8th February 2023.
World Book Day Mufti
North Town will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3rd March this year. The actual day is Thursday 2nd but we have classes on trips etc. and we would like to ensure that as many children can take part. Children will be welcome to dress up as their favourite book character or dress in their pyjamas (as a bedtime story theme.) We are asking for the usual mufti donations and these will go to the British Red Cross DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.
Dates for the diary – 2023
Monday 27th February – Year 4 Sports Festival at Blackbrook
Wednesday & Thursday 1st – 2nd March – Year 6 Bikeability course
Thursday 2nd March – Year 4 Trip to Paignton Zoo
Friday 3rd March – World Book Day Mufti with donations to British Red Cross DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.
Wednesday & Thursday 8th & 9th March – Year 6 Bikeability course
Thursday 9th March – Read Write Inc. phonics Information Meetings. Reception parents (Pippins) at 9:00 am and for year one parents at 2:15 pm
Friday 10th March – PTA School Disco’s – letters and information to follow.
Monday & Tuesday 13th & 14th March – Year 6 Bikeability course
Tuesday 14th March – Year 4 visit to Sassi Holford (next door)
Wednesday 29th March at 2pm – Nursery & KS1 Reading Workshop with Ann Harvey
Thursday 30th March at 2pm – KS2 Reading Workshop with Ann Harvey
Friday 31st March – INSET Day – School Closed to Children
Saturday 1st April – 16th April – Easter Holidays
Monday 17th April – School resumes – start of Summer Term
Mark Braund
Head Teacher