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26th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another week has flown by at North Town and I cannot believe it is two weeks until half term! Mrs Screech and I have had many visitors to our office this week showing us their wonderful work. The enthusiasm from the children when telling us what they have been learning is brilliant. It has been super to see the home learning children in Year One have been doing and a child in Pippins came and read her work to me – a complete joy.

Have a smashing weekend everyone.

Best wishes,

Mr Braund

Class Dojo

We are absolutely delighted with the sign up to Class Dojo and the positive comments we are receiving from parents and carers. Please do take the time to check in on Class Dojo to see how your child is performing in class and with what your child’s class is doing.

Parents Evening

Just a reminder that the booking system is now open for the spring term parents evenings. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet with the class teachers and look at the work the children have been completing in school. Please do find the time to meet with your child’s teacher.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Just a reminder to all parents and carers to report to the School Office if you arrive in school later than 8:50am. Can I also ask the parents and carers parking in the Kings Arms car park only park in the allotted parking spaces. I have contacted our local MP regarding crossing Staplegrove Road and am really keen to see improvements to ensure a safe crossing for the North Town community and pedestrians.

NSPCC Number Day

Next Friday (2nd February) is NSPCC number day! We are asking all the children to come in dressed as a number, wearing a number, as something with numbers on it (sports shirts, birthday badges with numbers etc.) It will replace our usual mufti day and all the money raised will go to the NSPCC.

World Thinking Day

Each year on 22nd February, members of the Girl Guide and Scout movements celebrate World Thinking Day. It’s a day when they think of each other and give thanks and appreciation for the international friendships. 22nd February was chosen as the date for Thinking Day because it was the mutual birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, and his wife Olave, who served as World Chief Guide.

Any children who are members of the Guiding and Scouting movements may wear their uniforms to school on Thursday 22nd February 2024 to show others that they are part of the movement.