Dear Parents and Carers,
Another week has flown by at North Town! It is brilliant to see the children being so enthusiastic and engaged with their learning. This week Mrs Screech has kindly organised a series of art mornings (over the next few weeks) for Year Three with ‘Go Create.’ It was just brilliant to the children enjoy this opportunity and the amazing art work they created!
Please remember that North Town Primary School and Nursery will be closed on Monday 1st May and Monday 8th May for Bank Holidays.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Best wishes,
Mr Braund
Red, White and Blue Coronation Mufti Day
To celebrate the King’s Coronation, we would like the children to wear red, white and blue to school on Friday 5th May. There will be no collection.
Mufti Day
We will also be holding a ‘Dress Up for Dementia’ day on Friday 19th May. Also on 19th May, you will be sent a link to a ‘Just Giving’ website where you can make any donations directly for this.
Proposed Strike Action
You may or may not be aware that the NEU have announced two further dates where strike action has been planned and whilst we do not envisage having to close the school or any class/year groups we would like to keep you informed. At the time of writing, we have not been made aware of an intention to strike by any of our teaching staff but if this should change, we will of course let you know as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that teaching staff are not obligated to inform us of an intention to strike.
The dates are:
Thursday 27th April 2023 (yesterday)
Tuesday 2nd May 2023 (Tuesday)
Thank you for your understanding.
Road Safety
Please remind your children to take extra care when crossing the roads surrounding school, particularly if they walk home on their own. A member of staff witnessed a near miss this week where two children decided to cross before the ‘green man appeared’. This resulted in a car having to stop.
Climbing Wall
You may have noticed the wonderful new addition to our playground over the last few weeks. The children have finally been able to use this today and were very happy to do so!
Please could we also remind you that the children should not be playing on any equipment after school due to Health and Safety.
North Town Wrap Around
The wraparound contact telephone number is 07566 733010 . This will be on during the hours the provision will be open. Please also use this number when coming to collect your child in the evenings when arriving at the Staplegrove Road gate. We will eventually have a gate buzzer but unfortunately this has been delayed.
We also have a contact email address: for any queries you may have. Please do not expect a reply outside of the normal school hours.
Wraparound Booking Window & Payments
A gentle reminder that the booking window closes four days prior to the session taking place, please make sure you book in time. If you do not manage to book a session, please get in touch with the office team who will be happy to help.
If you are using childcare vouchers or the government gateway to pay for your wraparound bookings, please ensure that you continue to keep your account topped up to cover the sessions required and continue to make your voucher payments to cover the sessions you will require. It would also be really helpful if you are able to confirm once you have sent a payment, the amount, child/children it relates to and how you would like the amount divided across the various sessions.
Scooters and Bicycles
A reminder that all scooters and bicycles should be dismounted before entering the school grounds and walked to one of the many racks provided. This also applies at the end of the day when we expect the children (and adults!) to walk with their scooter or bicycle until they are outside of the school.
FREE Parenting Course
We are pleased to be able to offer parents the opportunity to attend an Emotion Coaching Parenting course. The first 6 week course starts on May 4th, and will take place every Thursday afternoon in school at 1:30pm, ending at 3pm. To reserve a place on this course, or to register for a course later in the year, please ring our PFSA, Elaine on 07522 237006 or via the usual school number.
Donations for Uganda
One of our parents has been invited to form a small group to go to Uganda for 2 weeks in June. The group will consist of a physiotherapist, midwife, neonatal nurse and occupational therapist. Whilst there the group will be supporting the charity Action for Children’s Trust who support children with disabilities and their families. Whilst we are there, we will be holding clinics and going out to the villages offering our advice.
We would like to take some resources with us and we were wondering if we could ask the children and families of North Town if you have toys or shoes you’d like to donate: please see further details below for the types of items. We would suggest a maximum of one item per child. A box will be provided in reception to collect any donated items. We request any items are donated by Friday 12th May, to give us time to collate, pack and ship all the kit.
Suggested items for donation
Various sizes balls
Bean bags
Toys with variety of textures, colours and sounds.
Wooden toys
Scooter board
Sensory play mat
Toys with mirrors
Stacking and threading toys
Rain tubes
Water toys
Toys to be not too big
Toys not to be battery operated
Also good quality shoes (not sandals, wellies or crocs)
We would really love to reunite this delightful bear with his owner. He is currently keeping the school office team company and is being well cared for but has taken to the window sill to see if he can spot his owner walk by….
Dates for the diary – 2023
Thursday 27th April – 3SW Group 1 – Art Project at Flook House
Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday – School Closed
Wednesday 3rd May – Year 5 Strike & Field Festival – Castle School
Thursday 4th May 2023- 3SW Group 2
Friday 5th May – Year 4 Trip to Buckfast Abbey
Friday 5th May – Wear Red White and Blue for the Kings Coronation
Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed
Tuesday 9th May – Friday 12th May – Year 6 SATS Week – All Year 6 children must be in school.
Tuesday 9th May – Year 3 Strike & Field Festival – Richard Huish College
Thursday 11th May 2023-3DH Group 1 – Art project at Flook House
Monday 15th May – Friday 19th May – KS1 SATS Week – All Year 2 children must be in school.
Wednesday 17th May – Pippins Multi Skills Festival – Castle School
Thursday 18th May 2023- 3DH group 2 – Art Project at Flook House
Friday 19th May – Dress Up for Dementia (red & yellow day)
Friday 26th May – Last Day of Summer Term 1
Saturday 27th May – Sunday 4th June – Half Term
Monday 5th June – School Open – Start of Summer Term 2
Monday 12th June – Year 3 visit to local Mosque
Monday 17th July – Year 6 Production – Dress Rehearsal at Richard Huish College
Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Production – Performance
Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend all!
Mark Braund
Head Teacher