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29th September 2023

Dear parents/carers,

Thank you to the many parents for your comments about Class Dojo! The children seem to be really enjoying this new initiative and I am delighted that over 300 families are now connected to it.

Mrs Hudson

Mrs Hudson has taken the difficult decision to leave North Town. She would like to thank you all for your support and kindness during her time at the school. She has many fond memories and is very grateful to have been a part of the wonderful North Town community.

Census and languages

It is school census day on Thursday 5th October and we want to make sure that the school receives the maximum available funding. Please can you ensure that you let the school office know as soon as possible if English is an additional language for your child(ren) or/and your family.  This is to include any additional languages spoken at the family home, even if English is the first language spoken. This information ensures that the school gets all available funding.

Names on all items

Can we please ask that parents and carers literally label all clothing, snack pots and lunch boxes that are brought to school. The amount of lost property we have is sad to see and having everything named enables us to return items back.

Year Six Residential

The Year Six children are going on their residential to Charter House next week from Wednesday to Friday. I know they will have a wonderful time and will experience many activities. A huge thank you to the staff team who have planned and organised the residential and will be there throughout the three day. Have a brilliant time!

Mufti reminder

Friday 6th October will be the first school Mufti of the year and the money we raise will be split between two charities. St Margrets’s Hospice care charity and PROMISEworks.

St Margret’s hospice care charity makes a difference for patients and their families facing life-limiting illness in our community.

PROMISEworks is a local charity making a big difference in Somerset by offering mentoring services to disadvantaged children across the county.

We are asking if the children can wear something yellow to support the charities and make a £1 donation on the day which will be collected by a member of SLT on the school gate.

Christmas at North Town

I know it is really early in the school year but we wanted to give you as much notice as possible for our plans for Christmas. Please see below:

Friday 1st December – North Town Christmas Fayre

Tuesday 5th December – Reception Christmas Singalong – at 10:30am and 2pm

Wednesday 6th December – Year One Christmas Singalong – at 10:30am and 2pm

Thursday 7th December – Year Two Christmas Performance – at 10am and 2pm

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 15th December – KS2 Christmas Service at St James’ Church – 10am.

We are finalising our plans for Christmas Dinner Day and will update you when tis has been finalised.

Key Dates for the Autumn Term


Wednesday 4th October – Friday 6th October Year 6 Residential

Friday 6th October 2023 – MUFTI Day – Wear yellow

Thursday 12th October 2023 – Sibling and missed photos

Tuesday 17th October – Parents Evening – 3:30 pm – 6:15 pm

Friday 20th October 2023 – INSET Day School Closed to Children

Saturday 21st October to Sunday 29th October 2023 – Half Term Holiday