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30th March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to attend the phonics and reading sessions with Ann Harvey this week – it was great to hear such positive feedback. Thank you to Mrs Hayes for organising this. I know she was absolutely thrilled with how it went. It has been another busy week at North Town with so many opportunities for the children. We had two sports events at the Richard Huish College and one at the school – A huge thank you to Mr Venning and Mr Grave for making this possible and all the schools in Richard Huish Trust.

Thank you for your help, support and understanding with the booking system for our new Wrap Around. Your dialogue has been really useful and we appreciate it. A huge thank you to Sarah Leyman who is dealing with the booking system and your questions.

Thank you, once again for your continued support and have a smashing Easter break! We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 17th April.


We would like to say a huge thankyou to Gemma and the Tawnies Team for providing outstanding wraparound care for our North Town children over the last sixteen years. We feel fortunate to be able to have the team continuing to work with us within the school.

North Town Wrap Around

The wraparound contact telephone number will be 07566 733010 however the phone will not be in use until 17th April and beyond. This will be on during the hours the provision will be open. Please also use this number when coming to collect your child in the evenings. We will eventually have a gate buzzer but unfortunately this has been delayed.

We also have a contact email address:

Year 6 Hoodies

A reminder that all orders for a Year 6 Leavers Hoodie need to be received by the school no later than Wednesday 19th April 2023. This is to give us plenty of time to check and send the order to the supplier. Mr. Braund has agreed that the children will be able to wear their hoodies on the Friday at the end of SATS week (if we have received them back by then)

Sports Update

In the past couple of weeks we have attended various sporting events. On Friday 24th a group of Y5/6 children attending the Sportshall Athletics County Finals, where we finished 4th out of the entire county! We then hosted a trust wide Netball event at school on Monday 27th, which was a fantastic representation of how we want children to represent our school, along with a successful indoor cricket match vs Trull School at Richard Huish College, and vs St Georges the week before. The cricket team took the chances to show off all the hard work they’ve put in so far this year. Well done to all that represented the school!

Play Equipment

You may have noticed that we have new play equipment appearing in the playground with the addition of a climbing wall within the KS1 playground area. Please remember to ensure your children are not playing on any of the equipment before or after school as we have experienced many children having accidents over the years at these times.

Scooters and Bicycles

A reminder that all scooters and bicycles should be dismounted before entering the school grounds and walked to one of the many racks provided. This also applies at the end of the day when we expect the children (and adults!) to walk with their scooter or bicycle until they are outside of the school.

Dates for the diary – 2023

Saturday 1st April – 16th April – Easter Holidays

Monday 17th April – School resumes – start of Summer Term

Tuesday 18th April – Year 2 Trip to Glastonbury Abbey – more information to follow.

Tuesday 25th April – Year 4 Strike & Field Festival – Richard Huish College

Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday – School Closed

Wednesday 3rd May – Year 5 Strike & Field Festival – Castle School

Monday 8th May – Friday 12th May – Year 6 SATS Week – All Year 6 children must be in school.

Tuesday 9th May – Year 3 Strike & Field Festival – Richard Huish College

Monday 15th May – Friday 19th May – KS1 SATS Week – All Year 2 children must be in school.

Wednesday 17th May – Pippins Multi Skills Festival – Castle School

Friday 19th May – Dress Up for Dementia (red & yellow day)

Friday 26th May – Last Day of Summer Term 1

Saturday 27th May – Sunday 4th June – Half Term

Monday 5th June – School Open – Start of Summer Term 2


Mark Braund

Head Teacher