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Dear parents/carers,

I want to start my newsletter by thanking you all and the whole and community for your kind words and support regarding the strike action and the delay to the school day yesterday. The emergency services were outstanding not only with the challenge that faced them but with how they communicated so brilliantly with us. Thank you!

Parents Evening Bookings

We have our Spring Term parents evenings coming up on Wednesday 8th February (3:30 pm – 6:00 pm) and Tuesday 21st February (3:30 pm – 6:00 pm). The booking system is now open for you to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher. The booking system will close three days before the parents evening.

You will be able to book a ten minute slot to speak with your child’s teacher in person, and we ask that you respect the ten minute appointment. Please only book an appointment for one evening.

On the evening of the appointment, please head straight to the library ten minutes before your appointment time to enable you to view your child’s work. Please then proceed to the school hall at your allotted appointment time.

If you are going to be invited to a SEND parents appointment you will receive a separate communication.

Change of Parents Evening date for Year 6

We have decided to move one of the dates of Parents Evening for Year 6 from Wednesday 8th February to Wednesday 1st March (3:30-6pm). The children are completing some tests in the last week of half term and the class teachers would like to be able to feedback to parents on the outcomes. Please continue to book an appointment for 8th February and this will automatically transfer to 1st March 2023

Car Parking

We are still extremely concerned that some parents are parking inconsiderately in the area near school so they can drop off /collect their children without having to accompany them into school.

We have received complaints from the residents living behind the school referring to parents sat in their cars with the engines running. Please be mindful that this is a residential area and we ask you to park considerately at all times. Please could we ask all parents to park in one of the nearby carparks, (Wood Street is free for a 20 minute stay)

Medical Appointments

We appreciate that sometimes it is necessary for medical appointments to take place during the school day but could we please remind you that wherever possible you should seek to book appointments outside of school hours. The school office will also require evidence of any medical appointments. This can be sight of an appointment card or letter or even showing a text reminder on your phone. Most GP practices will print an appointment card if you ask.

NSPCC Number Day

Today we celebrated NSPCC Number Day where We asked children and staff to wear clothing with a number theme. Donations received will be given to the NSPCC charity, we will confirm the total amount raised in the next Newsletter along with some pictures.

As an addition to the day, Mr Grave and Mr Venning ran a lunchtime competition for all children to get involved in something physically active surrounding numbers.

It was great to see such enthusiasm on the playground during lunchtime.

Theatre Workshops

Children in Key stage 2 had an amazing opportunity to develop their skills in Drama when Somerset Youth Theatre visited our school, and the children took part in workshops developing songs, lyrics and chorography based on the story of The Giant Man. The local legend of Joseph Neal Sewell. The children create their own song, and this will be recorded at a later date in a recording studio. The children had a great time and found the workshops really engaging, if your children would like to participate further then Somerset Youth Theatre run after school sessions please see the details below and the flyer included at the end

Do you love Acting, Drama and all things Theatre? Interested in what happens behind the scenes? Want to gain confidence in performing, make friends and work alongside Professional Theatre makers from across Somerset to make your very own plays? Then come join us at Somerset Youth Theatre cic!

Every Tuesday 4.30pm – 5.30pm (6-11yrs) during term time.

Arts Hub, Flook House, Belvedere Road, TA1 1BT

Somerset Youth Theatre cic provide safe spaces for young people to create, explore and find their voice through Theatre & the Arts. We do this because young people’s voices matter! We want all young people to be able to access the Arts and work hard to break down barriers. Talk to us!

We believe in fun. We believe in community. We work together to make a difference.


For more information, and to book your place using Pay What You Choose, visit:

FREE places for families in receipt of FSM. Sibling discount available. FREE tasters available.


Call: 07918 425923 


Year 6 Bikeability Courses

As in previous years, we have been lucky enough to secure three  two day Bikeability courses for our Year 6 children. If you are a Year 6 parents and you would like your child to have the opportunity to take part, please respond to the form sent on Parentmail by 9th February 2023. Please note: There will not be enough spaces for all children in Year 6.

The dates of the courses are: 1st & 2nd March, 8th & 9th March and 13th & 14th March

Timing Reminder

Please remember the school start and finish times as below:

Start of Day

8:30 am – 8:40 am  – Early Years and Key Stage One

8:40 am – Siblings

8:45 am – Key Stage Two

8:50 am – School Gates Close – if you arrive after this time, please bring your child to the school office so they can be recorded on the register.

End of Day

3:00 pm – 3:10 pm – Early Years and Key Stage One

3:10 pm – Siblings

3:15 pm – 3:20 pm – Key Stage Two

3:20 pm – School Gates Close – if you arrive after this time you will need to come to school via the front gate.

Dates for the diary – 2023

Wednesday 8th February (4:30-7:30) – Parents’ Evening

Saturday 11th February – Sunday 19th Feb – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)

Tuesday 21st February (3:30 – 6:30) – Parents Evening

Tuesday 21st February – Year 4 visit to Taunton Library

Monday 27th February – Year 4 Sports Festival at Blackbrook

Thursday 2nd March –  Year 4 Trip to Paignton Zoo

1st – 2nd March – Year 6 Bikeability course

8th & 9th March – Year 6 Bikeability course

13th & 14th March – Year 6 Bikeability course

14th March – Year 4 visit to Sassi Holford (next door)

Hope you all have a restful weekend

Mark Braund

Head Teacher