Dear Parents and Carers,
Another busy week has flown by at North Town and we are rapidly approaching the end of another academic year. This week our Year Six children visited their new secondary schools as part of their transition. They are very much ready to move to their new schools and we know we will continue to hear great things about how they are doing. They have been a smashing Year Six and have been excellent role models for the rest of the school. As I type, the PTA are getting ready for the final DISCO of the year. Please remember that for this event only, the Years 3, 4 and 5 children will have a DISCO from 6pm – 6:45pm so that the Year Six can enjoy their own DISCO at 7pm. The Year 6 children will not need to pay for the DISCO, they just need money for sweets and treats.
Have a smashing weekend everyone!
Mr Braund
Sports Day
Next week will be our various sports events that parents can attend. We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather. Unfortunately, there are times that schools have to take the decision to postpone such events due to the weather and the conditions being too wet and slippery for the children to take part. We will endeavour to communicate this as early as possible to all parents if there is a need to postpone.
I have included all the KS2 information below that was sent out by Mr Grave recently so that all parents and carers are aware of how the morning will go.
Where: Taunton School Playing Field, TA2 6LH
When: Monday 8th July, 10:00-12:00
What: 10:00-10:55 – Y3/4 races on track & Y5/6 field events
11:05-12:00 – Y3/4 field events & Y5/6 races on track
Spectating: Please see on the image below where parents will be able to enter (follow blue lines) and to watch the morning. This is located at the top of the bank where you’ll have a good view of the track and beside the field events. Please can parents/spectators stay within the blue viewing area, and to not encourage your children to come and see you during the activities due to safety reasons. When the activities end, parents will be asked to leave and children and staff will remain at Taunton School to have their lunch.
Extra Information: There is no parking available on site, we encourage you to walk or park nearby. Please note there are no toilet facilites for spectators.
What children need: Every KS2 child will need to come into school wearing a top of their house colour (Brendon -red, Mendip – yellow, Quantock – blue, Blackdown – green) and their PE shorts and trainers. Everyone will need two bottles of water.
The KS1 afternoon events are on separate afternoons for year groups. Each event will start at 1:15 and will finish at approximately 2pm. Parents will be asked to sign in at the gate (just a paper and pen sign in system). Parents will leave on conclusion of the event and the children will finish their school day at the normal time.
Cricket at North Town
With news of Andy Venning moving on for an exciting new opportunity at Queens, I can confirm that Chris Grave will be taking on the hardball cricket training and matches at North Town. This will continue to be a free club. We will continue to have the special North Town cricket training tops and will continue to organise matches versus Queens, Kings, Taunton School and other cricket clubs. We are really fortunate in that we will continue to keep in close contact with Andy Venning and we also have contact with Caroline Foster, Pete Sanderson at Taunton School, Chris Cherry at North Curry Cricket Club and various cricket clubs around the town. I really appreciate offers of help from parents with the training and would welcome any support with this.
GRV Coaching After-School Clubs & Summer Courses
After-School clubs are now available to book for the Autumn term, please follow the link to see all information book your child onto any clubs – North Town – GRV Coaching After-School Clubs (
Mr Grave is also running some multi-sport courses during the holidays, with more information and booking via the following link – GRV Coaching Summer Multi-Sports (
MCAS (My Child At School)
You may notice some changes to the MCAS app over the coming weeks due to some upgrades. This should make it easier to navigate, but, as always, if you need any help please contact the school office.
Last day of term date: Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Back to school: Thursday 5th September 2024