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5th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another week has flown by at North Town!

I want to wish our Year Six children all the very best with their SATS tests next week. We are extremely proud of them (and all our children) and all we ask is that they do their very best – we know they will!

We are delighted that we have a full intake starting at North Town in September 2023 and others on a waiting list. Emails have been sent out to our new families inviting them to our ‘Welcome to North Town Evening’ and also for all forms to be completed and returned to the office as soon as possible.

Wishing you all a smashing Bank Holiday weekend!

Red, White & Blue Mufti – King’s Coronation

It was wonderful to see so many children in red, white and blue today ahead of the coronation taking place tomorrow.

Road Safety

Please remind your children to take extra care when crossing the roads surrounding school, particularly if they walk home on their own. A member of staff witnessed a near miss this week where two children decided to cross before the ‘green man appeared’. This resulted in a car having to stop.

Mufti Day

We will also be holding a ‘Dress Up for Dementia’ day on Friday 19th May. Also on 19th May, you will be sent a link to a ‘Just Giving’ website where you can make any donations directly for this.

Dogs On Site

Just a reminder that we are unable to allow dogs onto school premises There may be exceptional circumstances where a family or child may require an assistance dog and the dog will be easily identified wearing a vest and or labelled lead.

North Town Wrap Around

The wraparound contact telephone number is 07566 733010 . This will be on during the hours the provision will be open. Please also use this number when coming to collect your child in the evenings when arriving at the Staplegrove Road gate. We will eventually have a gate buzzer but unfortunately this has been delayed.

We also have a contact email address:    for any queries you may have. Please do not expect a reply outside of the normal school hours.

Wraparound Booking Window & Payments

A gentle reminder that the booking window closes four days prior to the session taking place, please make sure you book in time. If you do not manage to book a session, please get in touch with the office team who will be happy to help.

If you are using childcare vouchers or the government gateway to pay for your wraparound bookings, please ensure that you continue to keep your account topped up to cover the sessions required and continue to make your voucher payments to cover the sessions you will require. It would also be really helpful if you are able to confirm once you have sent a payment, the amount, child/children it relates to and how you would like the amount divided across the various sessions.

Donations for Uganda

One of our parents has been invited to form a small group to go to Uganda for 2 weeks in June. The group will consist of a physiotherapist, midwife, neonatal nurse and occupational therapist. Whilst there the group will be supporting the charity Action for Children’s Trust who support children with disabilities and their families. Whilst we are there, we will be holding clinics and going out to the villages offering our advice.

We would like to take some resources with us and we were wondering if we could ask the children and families of North Town if you have toys or shoes you’d like to donate: please see further details below for the types of items. We would suggest a maximum of one item per child. A box will be provided in reception to collect any donated items. We request any items are donated by Friday 12th May, to give us time to collate, pack and ship all the kit.

Suggested items for donation

Various sizes balls

Bean bags

Toys with variety of textures, colours and sounds.

Wooden toys

Scooter board


Sensory play mat

Toys with mirrors

Stacking and threading toys

Rain tubes

Water toys

Toys to be not too big

Toys not to be battery operated


Also good quality shoes (not sandals, wellies or crocs)

Found – He is still here

We would really love to reunite this delightful bear with his owner. He is currently keeping the school office team company and is being well cared for but has taken to the windowsill to see if he can spot his owner walk by….

Dates for the diary – 2023

Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed

Tuesday 9th May – Friday 12th May – Year 6 SATS Week – All Year 6 children must be in school.

Tuesday 9th May – Year 3 Strike & Field Festival – Richard Huish College

Thursday 11th May 2023-3DH Group 1 – Art project at Flook House

Monday 15th May – Friday 19th May – KS1 SATS Week – All Year 2 children must be in school.

Wednesday 17th May – Pippins Multi Skills Festival – Castle School

Thursday 18th May 2023- 3DH group 2 – Art Project at Flook House

Friday 19th May – Dress Up for Dementia (red & yellow day)

Friday 26th May – Last Day of Summer Term 1

Saturday 27th May – Sunday 4th June – Half Term

Monday 5th June – School Open – Start of Summer Term 2

Monday 12th June – Year 3 visit to local Mosque

Monday 17th July – Year 6 Production – Dress Rehearsal at Richard Huish College

Tuesday 18th July  – Year 6 Production – Performance


Mark Braund

Head Teacher