Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break with your family and friends. I had the pleasure of attending a dance show last weekend and not only was it a brilliant show, but it was also wonderful to see the many North Town children (and past pupils) performing. What incredibly talented children we have. What impressed me the most was how confident and enthusiastic they were. Well done to them all!
The next few weeks will be busy, and we look forward to inviting parents and carers to many events including the summer fete, sports day, music evening at Richard Huish and much more.
These are the last few weeks of the primary years for our Year Six children – I hope they have the best finish to their time at North Town and with so much to look forward to including, the Year Six production, a day at Crealy, the leavers evening and also their visits to their new schools.
This week our Pippins children went on their school trip to Hestercombe. A huge thank you to the teachers and staff for planning such a super day and the parents for supporting with the day and such kind feedback. The children certainly had a wonderful time.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mr Braund
Summer Fayre
Just a reminder that it’s the North Town Summer Fayre on Friday 21st June from 3:30 until 5pm. A huge thank you for all the chocolate that was brought in today for the tombola. I have offered for it to be safely stored in my office until the day of the Fayre but the PTA politely declined 😊.
Cricket at North Town
A huge well done to the many children that represented North Town this week for various cricket matches. We had a girls team play in a tournament on Monday and two teams play in matches at Fox’s and Taunton School on Tuesday. The feedback I received from Mr Venning and Mr Grave spoke about the talent of our children but also their sporting attitude and behaviour. It was wonderful speaking with the children about the matches and how delighted they were with how they performed. Congratulations!
Information Box For Parents
At North Town we love to see the children building strong friendships with each other, but we understand that sometimes, they need help to do this. In the parent information box this week is an article that shares information and advice on how you, as parents, can support your child to achieve happy healthy friendships. For further advice please speak to your child’s class teacher.
The Information box is situated on the playground wall outside the main Office.