Dear Parents and Carers,
It was wonderful having our first KS1 celebration assembly of the year on Monday. A huge thank you to the parents that attended. The children were absolutely brilliant and I was so impressed with how they walked in so smartly and sat so beautifully!
St Margaret’s Hospice
Thank you to for your kind donations today! The children looked absolutely fabulous in their non-uniform. The money raised will be passed onto St Margaret’s Hospice.
Year 6 Residential to Charter House
It was an absolute pleasure to visit the Year Six children and staff at Charter House on Wednesday. They have had a brilliant time and have experienced a wide range of activities including the low ropes, climbing, caving, archery and much more. The children have been brilliant and will undoubtedly sleep lots this weekend. I want to take this opportunity to thank the staff for giving up so much of their time and planning such an enjoyable week. The children will treasure these memories.
Parents Evenings
Our booking system for Parents Evenings goes live today (Friday 7th October) at 5pm. As ever, we are looking for 100% turnout for parent’s evenings. This year your child’s work will be available for parents to view in the school library and meetings with class teachers will be in the school hall. Please do not turn up too early for your appointment and please be mindful we only have the capacity for ten minute meetings.
School Website
We are gradually adding more information to the website and we want to inform and update all parents and carers with as much information as possible. I have recorded myself reading some stories this week and have uploaded them to the parent section of the website. You can find the videos on supporting at home – reading. I plan to add more videos and I hope the children enjoy them! I am happy to take requests of some classic story books to record as long as it’s not Lord of the Rings (Great story but too long! 😊)
Maths Event
Wow! Thank you so much to all the parents and carers that attended the Maths Event at the school on Thursday. We hope you found it informative and useful. We have added the presentation to our website – go to the curriculum tab and click on maths. Please do come and speak with us if you are unsure about the teaching of maths.
New Cricket Kit
The cricket season may have just finished but we are already preparing for the 2023 season. We were excited to receive our new kits in readiness for next summer and are extremely grateful to David Collard and Co for their kindness in purchasing the kits for the school.
I very much enjoy seeing the children and chatting to them in general. There are times the staff at North Town hear the children discussing computer games they play at home and films they watch. Please can I ask that all parents and carers are mindful of this regarding age restrictions as there are some computer games that have specific age ratings because of the language used and potential violence in them. I am sorry to mention this but we want to do everything to protect our children from exposure to such things.
Free Event at Waterstones
Please see the below, sent to me regarding an event taking place during Half Term
I wanted to get in touch to let you know about a lovely free event I am doing on Wednesday 26 October (during half term) at 3pm, at Taunton Waterstones bookshop, which I thought your pupils might really enjoy.
My new picture book for children, Archie’s Apple, is to be published in October and we’re coming to Taunton Waterstones to do a lovely story-time and fun apple-drawing activity for children – it’s all completely free to attend.
Archie’s Apple is a beautiful, full-colour, hard-back picture book, illustrated by Octavia Mackenzie, and written by me, Hannah Shuckburgh, about a little boy who discovers a new variety of apple while playing in woodland.
It’s inspired by a true story: my husband, Archie Thomas, really did discover a new variety of apple while walking in the West Country in 2020 (his discovery was featured in newspapers all over the world – you might remember it). Archie’s Apple is aimed at children aged 3 to 9. You can see more of the book on the publishers website here:
I would so love to see some of your pupils there, if they’d like to come. Of course if they’d like to buy a book we’ll be signing copies on the day.
Thank you so much, and I really look forward to hearing from you.
All the best, Hannah Shuckburgh
Have a wonderful weekend
Mark Braund
Head Teacher