Extreme Weather
Whenever extreme weather is a possibility, there are procedures in place, should it be necessary to make the decision to close the school. Closure of the school would only be made in extreme weather conditions and where the majority of staff are unable to get to work.
Of course, every effort will be made to ensure the school is open. However, if the weather deteriorates significantly and we experience heavy snow fall/flooding, we ask all parents/carers to check the following:
- the school website “Home Page” for regular updates
- mobile phone/computer for a text message/e-mail via Parentmail
- BBC Somerset Sound (95.5 FM) – www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/local_radio
- Heart FM (102.6 FM) – www.heart.co.uk/bristolsomerset
- Tone FM (107.8 FM) – www.tonefm.co.uk/
Parents/carers can also ring the school from 8.00am where a message will be left regarding the school’s closure.