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ClassDojo is a global community used by over 50 million teachers and families. It is a platform that brings together a range of different tools that North Town has used over the years including Twitter and House Points and has a focus on encouraging positive behaviour and supporting the children to feel good about what they are doing in class.

Below are a few ways in which North Town use this tool to support the children in their positive behaviour, celebrating the learning in the class and providing any additional information that the teacher may feel is important for parents to have.

Dojo Points: ClassDojo encourages positive choices throughout the school, from helping others to being ready to learn, from producing excellent work to respecting the school. Children earn points that add together to a ‘class total’. When the class hit certain milestones, the class will then be able to access a reward that is personal to that class. This will be a celebration of their teamwork, working towards a shared goal and creating a class community. 

As children earn points, parents are able to see this; including what their child has achieved this point for. Parents can add multiple children to one account where they can view their points throughout the day and the option to view it over the past two weeks.

Class Story: In previous years, North Town used Twitter as a way of showcasing what we are doing during the school day. ClassDojo provides a similar feature called the ‘Class Story’ where teachers can post pictures, links, files and events specific to that class. This is simple, secure, and gives parents a window into their school day and what the children are doing well!

Class Dojo Champions

Who are the Dojo Champions? 

Dojo champions are group of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve our school.

What do they do? 

Dojo Champions do a number of things:

  • They meet regularly to discuss school improvement and ideas for fundraising events.
  • They will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning discos, writing newspaper articles, or meeting with catering staff.

We encourage our children to take a full and active role in the life and development of the school. Dojo champions are selected to represent our children at leadership level and ensure a “voice” for all children. They hold a substantial budget and express children’s views to the school’s leadership. They work particularly closely with staff on playground issues.

Additionally, Playground Leaders encourage all children to take part in play activities and ensure the smooth running of lunchtimes for everyone.