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As a Parent/Carer or a Teacher you automatically are a member of North Town PTA.

We are best known for fundraising work but also have a social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for us all to get together and have fun. The money that is raised by the PTA is intended to provide the ‘extras’ not already provided in the school’s normal budget. Often the fun things make learning more interesting and exciting.

We regularly run fundraising events such as discos for the children, Christmas Bazaar, Summer Fete, Quiz Nights for the parents and carers, sponsored events as well as children designing their own Christmas cards and collections of ‘Rag Bags’ to collect funds for the school but also to support a local charity.
In recent years, the PTA has contributed towards:

  • the Pirate Ship,
  • the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area)
  • wet play’ toys for all classes so they have toys and games to use in the event of poor weather, and
  • lots of books for the library!

We are always looking for new ideas and people to help run events and really appreciate any support you are able to offer. We have a small team of people who work hard towards making these things happen so we would love new members to come along!

See our calendar for upcoming PTA events.