North Town Primary School has a unisex uniform list, so please choose whichever items from this list you feel would best suit your child. Both girls and boys are required to wear a tie, as we feel this will promote equality and pride in the school identity.
Items that marked with * are available at South West Schoolwear on East Reach but all others should be easily sourced in numerous other outlets.

Logo sweatshirt or cardigan*
White shirt (NOT polo shirt)
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
Grey, black or white socks
Grey or green tights
Black shoes (No boots, pumps or trainers)
Green & white gingham dress
Grey shorts
White short sleeved shirt (NOT polo shirts)
No tie in warm weather at the discretion of the Head/Senior Leadership

PE Uniform
Green and yellow sports shirtÂ
Black shorts or skort
Winter tracksuit trousers (plain unbranded black)
North Town hooded sweatshirt*
Black or white sport socks
Black or white trainers
We provide special uniforms for official school team matches. However, as the school frequently participate in a wide range of interschool events, we ask that all pupils adhere to the official PE uniform.
Jewellery other than plain ear studs, make up, and temporary tattoos are not permitted.
Thank you very much for your understanding and co-operation