The school gates are opened by a member of the senior leadership team and a member of the office team at 8:40am.
Parents and carers can access the school at the front gate on Staplegrove Road and the back gate on Upper Wood Street.
The gates are closed at 8:50am.
Any late arrivals must press the intercom through to the school office and they will open the school gate.

Break time is at 9:50am. The children encouraged to bring fruit to school to have for their snack.
Lunch time for the children in Pippins is at 11:40am.
Lunchtime for the rest of the school is from 11:50am until 12:50pm. The children spend the hour having a cooked meal or packed lunch in the school hall and enjoying their playtime on the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. The KS2 children also use the school MUGA.

The school day finishes at 3:15pm. A member of the senior leadership team opens the front gate and a member of staff opens the back gate for parents to collect their children.