Contact Information
The wraparound contact telephone number is 07566 733010 . This will be on during the
hours the provision will be open.
We also have a contact email address: for any queries you may have. Please do not expect a reply outside of the normal school hours.
Wraparound Team
Breakfast Club Staff
Mrs Farmer Labbe
Mrs Griffiths
Miss Duley
Miss Soames
After School Staff
Mrs Farmer Labbe & Mrs Griffiths – Joint Leaders
Mrs Waterton – Support Staff
Mrs Collins – Support Staff
Mrs Follett – Support Staff
North Town Primary School believes in creating a safe, welcoming and stimulating
environment for all the children in its care. The school believes that a safe social atmosphere helps children of all ages to develop their social skills and confidence.
In order to support parents, the school aims to provide an affordable and convenient wraparound childcare service.
Before and after school care is available to children aged 4 to 11 who attend North Town Primary, allowing parents more flexibility with their working hours.
At before-school and after-school wrap around care, the children will be able to choose from a wide range of activities, both indoors and outdoors, including physical activities, board games and crafts.
Before school wrap around care
Before school wrap around care operates from 7:30 until the start of the school day at 8:40, during term time.
Breakfast is served and typically consists of a selection of cereals and toast with a choice of spreads, and milk, squash or water to drink.
Before-School Wrap Around Care 7:30 am– 8:40 am including breakfast costs £5.00 per session
After-school wrap around care
After-school wrap around care operates from the end of the school day at 15:15 until 18:00, during term time.
A snack is available during the afternoon session and is served at approximately 16:30. The snack will be provided along with milk, squash or water.
After-School Wrap Around Care 3:15 – 6:00 including a snack £9.00 per day
We will also be offering an after school session for those children taking part in
an after school club. This session will run from 4:30 – 6:00 pm and will be
charged at £5.00. (This will only be available for those children who take part in an onsite club)
To register to access either the Before School Care or After School Care, please ensure you download the MCAS app to make your bookings and ask the office for an invitation code email.
Last minute or ad hoc bookings may be possible, depending upon available spaces at the time. If you wish to enquire about the possibility of booking a last minute or ad hoc place, please contact the School Office at the earliest opportunity.
How to pay
Payments are made either through the MCAS app or through childcare vouchers directly into the school account.
Parents wishing to pay using vouchers or the government gateway must send a payment through to North Town in time for the balances to be updated on the app for a parent to be able to make bookings. This can take time to sort out, please ensure you keep your account topped up sufficiently.
We are unable to accept payments by cash or cheque.
Fees are charged per session although you may bring and collect your child within these times to suit your personal requirements.
Fees quoted are per child.
Childcare vouchers Wrap Around Care Provision at North Town Primary School accepts most Childcare Vouchers provided through parents/carers’ employers. Please discuss this with the School Administration Team.
Tax-free childcare
If you’re a working parent with children under 12, you can open an online account to pay for registered childcare. The government will top-up the money you pay into
the account. For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2. You can receive up to £2,000 per child per year. Further information can be found at
When is payment due?
Payments for wrap around care are to be paid in advance of your bookings through the Parent Mail app or childcare vouchers.
When do charges apply?
There is no charge for bank holidays or for planned school closures such as inset days.
Fees are payable in full for all periods of children’s absences and sickness.
Following the advice provided by Public Health England’s Guidance on Health Protection in Schools and other Childcare Facilities, any child who has, or develops, an infectious illness must be kept at home in order to prevent the spread of illness and must not attend school to protect the health and wellbeing of the other children and staff. Fees are payable at the full rate during periods of sickness absence from wrap around care. In the event of a long-term illness, individual circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency closure
There are certain rare events that could result in the wrap around care at North Town Primary School having to close for a limited time. We aim to rectify the closure as soon as possible and keep all parents/carers informed of the situation. In the event of bad weather such as heavy snowfall that would make it hazardous for both staff and parents/carers to
travel, the premises will be closed for health and safety reasons. The Head teacher will decide whether it is safe for children and staff to attend. Staff will inform parents /carers at the earliest opportunity. In the event of an emergency closure, no fees will apply and
payments already made will be credited to the account. Parents/carers will be informed at the end of each day about the situation and the likelihood of opening on the following day.
Please refer to our Emergency Closure Policy for more information.
If the provision is open but it is parental choice for the child not to attend the provision, fees still apply.
The Wrap Around Care provision is available exclusively for children attending North Town Primary School. Bookings are only secure when payment has been received.
Where there is no availability at North Town’ Before and / or After-School Club, or where parents/carers would like a place for their child later on in the year, their child can be placed on a waiting list and parents/carers will be contacted should a space become available.
Late collection and non collection
At North Town Primary School, we recognise that there may be a rare occasion where, due to unforeseen circumstances, a parent/carer may be unable to collect their child on time.
Under these circumstances, we ask that parents/carers always to contact us to estimate their arrival time or to arrange collection by a different adult. Where parents or carers have arranged for their child to be collected by a new person, other than those familiar to staff,
we will use a password system to allow your child to be collected (see Arrivals and
If a parent/carer is going to be late, they must:
- Call the school as soon as possible to advise of their situation.
- Agree a safety password with staff in advance to be used by anyone collecting achild who is not the parent.
- Ask a designated adult to collect their child wherever possible.
- Inform the wrap around care provision of this person’s identity so they can talk to the child if appropriate. This will help to reduce or eliminate any distresscaused by the situation.
- If the designated person collecting the child is not known to staff, the parentmust provide a detailed description of this person, including their full name anddate of birth where known. This designated person must know the individual child’s safety password in order for the after school club to release the child intotheir care and will be asked for photographic ID upon arrival.
If a child has not been collected from the after school club:
- In the first instance, staff will contact the parent or carer.
- If no contact can be made with parents/carers, staff will contact one of thenominated persons listed in the Emergency Contact list on the Registration form completed previously.
- Two members of staff must remain on site with the child (if outside normal
operating hours). Staff will telephone all contact numbers available until contact is made. These calls will be logged on a full incident record. - The child’s welfare and needs will be met at all times and to minimise distress staff will distract, comfort and reassure the child as necessary.
- In the event of no contact being made after one hour has lapsed, the person in charge will ring the local authority Children’s Social Care team and act on their instructions.
- Parents/carers will be charged at a rate of £5 for every 15 minutes late or part there of, which will be itemised and invoiced for.
Late collection charges
North Town Wrap Around Care provision must ensure that we adhere to legal requirements regarding staff to child ratios and must have at least two members of staff on the premises at all times. Late collection has a significant impact on ensuring the correct legal ratios are maintained and on staff costs. Late collection will be charged at a rate of £5 for every 15 minutes late or part thereof.
Where a parent/carer requests the child is to be given medicine during the day, the staff member must ensure that the medication procedure is followed and that a medication form is completed and signed by the parent.
Behaviour Policy
Please note that any poor behaviour during a wraparound session may result in a phone call for you to come and collect your child. Please refer to the North Town Behaviour Policy.
Before school wrap around care
Parents/carers arriving at the before school club should make their way onto the North
Town site via the pedestrian entrance near the Reception classrooms. A member of staff will greet your child sign them in, stating the time of arrival. At the end of before school wrap around care, members of staff will take the children to their classrooms for the start of the day.
After-school wrap around care
A member of staff will collect your child from their classroom and accompany them to after-school wrap around care where they will be registered. When collecting your child from the after-school club, parents / carers should make their way to the pedestrian gate near the reception classrooms where they will be greeted by a member of staff. Should a member of
staff not recognise a parent/carer, they will check with another member of staff, or notify a member of the leadership team who will come to greet the parent/carer.
Upon collection the child will be signed out by a staff member.
Upon arrival at before school wrap around care or departure from after school wrap around care, parents / carers will have time to discuss the child’s day and share information.
Contact Us:
Telephone: 01823 284676