Friday 27th September
I am absolutely delighted to confirm that the work at the school is almost complete and that in the coming days, nursery parents will access the nursery from the gate picture below. Press on the intercom and the nursery team will be able to let parents and carers in. Please note that nursery parents will only be able to pick up and collect using the back gate at the start and end of the school day (8:40am – 8:50am and 3:15pm – 3:25pm.)
The two astro turf areas are now complete. One will be used for KS1 sports games such as football and the other will be used as an additional play area with a plan to purchase some more robust resources for the children to use in this area.
As a team, we are grateful for the many positive comments we have received from parents and carers regarding these improvements. We are absolutely thrilled with them and are very much excited about the next stage (next summer) when the admin office will move into the school house. Exciting times!
Visit from our Pippins Children
Our wonderful Pippin children had a tour of the school this week and visited all key areas of the school including the classrooms, the offices and my office. It was wonderful to see them tour the school, and they were all very pleased and excited to visit me in my office.
Open Mornings
We are hosting two open mornings at the school in the coming weeks for parents and carers that have children starting school in September 2025. The dates are Tuesday 8th October and Wednesday 13th November both starting at 9:30am. This year we were over subscribed with applications for spaces and currently have ten families on the waiting list to join our current EYFS year group and we hope to be as full every year. Please do communicate the dates to friends and families that have children starting school in September 2025.
Sports Events
On the 26th of September, we played in our second event of the year. It was Y5/6 Tag Rugby at Taunton Rugby Club. At the start of the event the Richard Huish College students helped us to understand the rules and got us ready for our 3 matches to come. In our first game we played Trull but at the end of the game we took a 2-1 defeat. Our second game was against Parkfield and in the end we won 2-1, thanks to George C with two tries. Our final game was against Milverton and we won 4-1. All who participated were Jools, Arthur, Ollie, George C, Tom, Lilli, Bobbi, Priya, Carys & Sienna. This event was amazing for people who don’t play rugby and wanted to give it a go.
Tom B, 6JF
Secondary School Applications
Just a reminder to our parents and carers of children in year 6 that the deadline to complete secondary school applications is 31/10/2024. It is highly recommended that you visit the schools and to include your catchment school in the visits.
Coffee Morning
Just a reminder that we our first coffee morning at the school on Friday 4th October. All parents and carers are invited to attend and is great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and enjoy a coffee and biscuit in the Wraparound Room at North Town.
End of day pick up
Please can all parents ensure that they communicate with the school team if there are any changes to pick up at the end of a specific school day. This enables the office team to communicate this message to class teachers and ensures that all children are collected at the end of a school day without any issues.
Second Hand Uniform
We now have a large selection of second hand uniform in school and will be having Uniform events in the playground after school soon. To make things more manageable, we will be offering KS1-age Uniform at one event, and KS2-age Uniform at another – look out for more information nearer the time!
Whilst we do not charge for Uniform, we do ask that you make a donation to school funds if you are able.
Please note: Due to lack of storage space, we are NOT able to accept further donations of uniform at this time.
Parent Evenings and SEND parent meetings
Parent evenings will be on Thursday 17th October 2024 and Tuesday 22nd October 2024 from 3:35pm. These meetings will be with your child’s class teacher and will last for 10 minutes.
Some parents will have the opportunity to book a SEND parent meeting instead of a parent evening slot. These will take place with your child’s class teacher and the SENDCO and will be for 20 minutes.
You will be able to book a meeting on MCAS from 9:00am on Friday 4th October 2024.
Please only book one slot!
If you need any assistance with booking a meeting, please do not hesitate in contacting
the school office.
There are still a few spaces on our free course starting next Tuesday 1st October. The course takes place in school 1:30-3:00pm every Tuesday for 6 weeks with our PFSA, Elaine. Emotion Coaching is a scientifically proven strategy that helps to improve parent-child relationships, reduce stress and improves behaviour. To book your place, please contact Elaine on 07522 237006 or via the school Office.
Please remember that you cannot bring dogs onto the school site, even if they are in a bag or being carried. Thank you.
Key Dates Autumn Term 2024
Friday 4th October – Mufti Day (Food donations for Open Door) Wednesday 9th October – Friday 11th October – Year 6 Residential Tuesday 8th October (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents Thursday 17th October (3:35-6:05) – Parents‛ Evening
Monday 21st October – Flu Vaccines
Tuesday 22nd October (3:35-6:05) – Parents‛ Evening
Friday 25th October – End of Autumn Term 1
Saturday 26th October – Sunday 3rd November – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)
Monday 4th November – SCHOOL OPEN (Autumn Term 2)
Friday 8th November – Mufti Day
Wednesday 13th November (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents Friday 15th November – Children in Need
Friday 6th December – Christmas Fayre
Monday 9th December – KS1 Shows Dress Rehearsals Tuesday 10th December – Pippins Christmas Sing Song Wednesday 11th December – Year One Christmas Sing Song Thursday 12th December – Year Two Christmas Show Friday 13th December – Nursery Christmas Sing Along
Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day for ‘Save the Children.‛
Monday 16th December – Class Christmas Parties (pm) Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day Friday 20th December – KS2 Christmas Service Friday 20th December – End of Autumn Term 2
Saturday 21st December – Sunday 5th January – SCHOOL CLOSED (Christmas