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Huish Curriculum Statement 

RHT Primary Science Curriculum


RHT Primary Geography Curriculum


RHT Primary RE Curriculum


RHT Primary Music Curriculum


RHT Primary PSHE Curriculum


RHT Primary History Curriculum


RHT Primary Computing Curriculum


RHT Primary Art Curriculum


RHT Primary Design Technology Curriculum


Curriculum Intent


At North Town Primary School, the curriculum is specifically tailored to meet the needs of our children. All young people are individuals and our curriculum recognises that.

We aim to offer our children the best educational experience possible. We want our curriculum to be exciting, interesting and engaging so that children are curious, inspired and enjoy learning.

We believe it is important that our children receive the basic entitlement of the National Curriculum and more. Our curriculum is designed to provide a rich and varied programme of activities and learning experiences to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of all learners, within and beyond the school day.

The needs of the children determine the emphasis of our curriculum. We aim to give children an individual curriculum that changes and adapts according to where the children are and what their needs are. Our curriculum is fluid and delivers a programme of continuous intervention.

At North Town Primary School and Nursery, we aim to offer all of our children the very best educational experiences possible, recognising that all young people are individuals. We want our curriculum to be exciting, interesting and engaging so that our children are curious, inspired and enjoy learning. We believe it is important that our children experience not only the expectations of legal frameworks such as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and National Curriculum, but are also given regular opportunities to take their learning beyond this.

Our carefully designed curriculum provides a rich and varied programme of learning experiences and activities to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of all of our children, within and beyond the school day. We have adopted and adapted our curriculum to make sure that it builds on the knowledge our children have already acquired, from the Early Years right through to Year 6, and towards clear end-points that we aim for all of our children to reach. We never intentionally narrow our curriculum or the learning opportunities for any of our children, instead aim to provide a truly broad and balanced curriculum.

Broad in the sense that our curriculum offers all children a wide range of subjects for as long as possible, including a modern foreign language throughout all key stages. Our balanced curriculum makes sure that not only are all subjects taught to all children but are also afforded sufficient space in the timetable to deliver their unique and distinct contribution, enabling our children to try new things and to find and develop their passions and talents. We believe the curriculum we offer should fire children’s imagination and be challenging, yet enable all children to feel success, no matter what their ability or interests. It should promote in children a self-belief and self-confidence and provide opportunities for children to lead.

We encourage active learning through exploration, enquiry, investigation and structured play using first hand experiences wherever possible. We recognise that technology is a part of our children’s natural environment and embrace a wide range of technology as an essential tool for learning. We provide a range of opportunities for children to develop, use and refine key knowledge, understanding and skills, and to practise and apply them regularly in different contexts.

We believe that it is important that our children have a strong awareness of their community and locality, of who they are and where they fit in the world. We aim to take our learning outside whenever we can and make use of areas such as French Weir Park, Longrun Meadow, the town centre of Taunton and beyond. We believe this helps our children to develop a strong awareness of their community and locality, of who they are and where they fit in the world.

We also believe that successful learning depends on a positive partnership between home, school and the wider community and we seek opportunities for our children to become involved in their community and develop partnerships with local businesses and community groups who bring a variety of skills and positive role models to our children.

We actively encourage a variety of independent work, teamwork and collaboration. We use a range of group, class, cohort and whole school learning, and through the selection of creative, motivating, purposeful and relevant approaches to learning, we seek to develop children’s imagination, their openness to possibilities and their ability to reflect critically and question. Our curriculum provides children with a rich and varied learning environment that enables them to try new things and to find and develop their passions and talents. We believe the curriculum we offer should fire children’s imagination and be challenging, yet enable all children to feel success, no matter what their ability or interests. It should promote in children a self-belief and self-confidence and provide opportunities for children to lead. Our curriculum aims to make learning come to life, to engage and inspire, and offer children a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

Our curriculum will give the children the opportunity to:

  • see clear links between different aspects of their learning
  • develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts
  • experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning
  • learn within a coherent and progressive framework
  • explore the breadth and depth of the EYFS, including the characteristics of effective learning, and National Curriculum, but be ambitious to go further
  • develop and demonstrate their creativity

Knowledge and skills are taught both discretely – in distinct areas – and in a cross curricular way, so that our children gain a broad understanding of each subject, know exactly which subject they are studying, and have an understanding of how their knowledge and skills can be applied in different contexts. The curriculum is designed to embed transferable knowledge and skills throughout, without weakening essential learning.

The outstanding quality of our learning environments serves to stimulate and engage higher order thinking. At North Town, we also recognise the importance of feedback, both adult and peer, as an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle, and aim to maximise the effectiveness of its use in practice. We are mindful also of the research surrounding effective feedback and research from cognitive science regarding the fragility of new learning. In response to this, planning is flexible and responsive to the needs of the children.

We follow the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education ‘Awareness, Mystery, Value’. For more information please follow this link.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please see below for our Subject Intent documents.