What are Performance Tables?
Primary school performance tables are published by the Department for Education annually to provide you with relevant information on the performance of primary schools in your local area, across Somerset and England as a whole.
What are the tables based on?
The tables are compiled using the achievements of 11-year-old pupils, at the end of Key Stage 2 in Year 6, in all primary schools including special schools in England.
What can I find out from them?
The Department for Education publishes tables which provide background information on each school, including its name, address and telephone number.
The tables show a wealth of data and information about the school and its pupils, including:
- the Key Stage 2 test and teacher assessment results
- the proportion of pupils making expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics
- a value added score, which compares progress made by pupils in the school compared with pupils nationally
Please see the North Town data for the end of Key Stage 2 2023 below:
To view North Towns Performance Tables visit – DfE performance tables for North Town (external website).