Friday 13th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a truly memorable week at North Town with all of our KS1 Christmas performances! It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers attend and observe the magic of Christmas in a primary school. It was lovely to see the children giving everything on stage and enjoying the opportunity to perform. Thank you for the kind feedback and also your kind donations which will be used to buy additional resources for the school.
Thank you for your support with our Christmas Fayre last Friday. It lovely to see so many of you throughout the evening. A huge thank you to the PTA, staff, volunteers and children who helped make the event the success it was. On the evening, we made £1600 – an incredible amount of money!
Finally, it was wonderful to see the children in their Christmas jumpers today. North Town looked very festive! We will report the total raised for the ‘Save the Children’ in the memo next week.
Have a smashing weekend everyone.
Mr Braund
Christmas Dinner Day
Just a reminder we have our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 18th December. For the catering team to produce the number of meals they do and make it look so easy is very impressive. Their catering skills are very much appreciated and we are all looking forward to the festive feast next week.
Christmas Service at the Church
Just a reminder that the KS2 Christmas Service will be at St James’ Church on Friday 20th December at 10am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend the service which should last approximately 40 minutes. Please note that parents will be allowed into the church once the children have entered at approximately 9:55am.
Sports Events
On Monday, 8 children represented the school in an Aquasplash event at St George’s Pool. The children had to take part in various activities in the pool that tested their balance, strength and water skills. We had a great time! Well done to Fenna, Beyya, Leyla, Arden, Safia, Mia, Fergus and Rosie that took part.
Multi-Sports Course
Mr Grave will be running a Multi-Sports Course at school on the 2nd and 3rd January. Emails will be sent about booking onto this.
End of Term
Just a reminder that we break up for Christmas on Friday 20th December and the children return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Lost Property
Lost property is kept in the white unit inside the main door by the office. There are currently several coats, lunch boxes, water bottles, uniform and other items. All unclaimed and unnamed items will be donated to charity at the end of next week.
Please ensure that all your children’s items are named (including clothes worn on mufti days) this makes it easier to get any lost items back to their rightful owner.
Children’s Individual Photos
Fraser photography visited our school in September to take the children’s individual photos, and have sent the following message:
As Christmas is just round the corner we would like you to know that there is still time to order your school photographs in time to give as gifts to loved ones.
If you no longer have your proof card please call our office on 01202 692433, or email and we will be happy to help.
Please place your print orders by Monday 16th December for delivery to home addresses, digital downloads are instant.
Christmas Family holiday Activities at Wells Cathedral
Build up to Christmas at North Town
Monday 16th December – Class Christmas Parties (pm)
Children bring in a change of clothes
Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day
Order by 10:00am on 18th November
Friday 20th December – KS2 Christmas Service
The Christmas service will be held at St James Church at 10am on Friday 20th December. Parents are welcome to attend the service. The service will last approximately 40 minutes with songs performed from all of the children in Key stage 2. More details to follow.
Friday 20th December – End of Autumn Term 2
Saturday 21st December – Sunday 5th January – SCHOOL CLOSED (Christmas holidays)
SPRING 1 Dates
Monday 6th January – School Closed INSET Day
Tuesday 7th January – SCHOOL OPEN (Spring Term 1)
Friday 10th January – Mufti Day
Friday 7th February – Mufti Day
Friday 14th February – End of Spring Term 1
Saturday 15th February – Sunday 23rd February – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)