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13th September 2024

Friday 13th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has seen our new Pippins children start at the school. It has been brilliant to see how excited they have been at starting and we wish them seven very happy years at the school.

The children at the school have settled back in really well and are clearly enjoying being back.

It is starting to feel a little cooler so please ensure your child wears a named coat to school.

The work is almost complete at the front of the school, and we are looking forward to our KS1 children enjoying the additional play space.

Have a smashing weekend!

Mr Braund


You may have noticed the adverts by Joe Wicks on the TV recently that Asda has an initiative to earn money to benefit schools.

If you have an Asda reward.card then you can help the school. If you click on the cashpot info on the app then you can nominate us as the school you want the money to go to and then every time you shop you will see get your own rewards but also Asda will then give a percentage on top to the school.

There are posters around the school with information or head to the Asda website if you need more.

It would be great to have as many parents (and also the community) to join the scheme to help us raise as much funding as possible.

Spread the word!!

Coffee Morning

We will be starting our coffee mornings again this term on Friday 4th October from 8:45am – 9:30am. We welcome all parents to join Heidi Screech (Deputy Head Teacher) and Elaine Duley (Parent Family Support Advisor) for a hot drink and biscuits. This is a great opportunity to network with other parents and speak to school staff if you have any concerns or worries.

We look forwards to welcoming you.

Coffee Mornings will run alternate Friday’s during the Autumn Term

Friday 4th October

Friday 18th October

Friday 8th November

Friday 22nd November

Friday 6th December

Friday 20th December

Individual Photos

We have the school photographer visiting North Town next week for individual photos. All children to come to school in full uniform. Can we please ask that if your child usually wears PE kit on a Friday, that they don’t on this day.  

Play Equipment and Pirate Ship

Just a reminder to all parents that children are prohibited from using the play equipment at the start and the end of the school day.


Just a reminder that the school gates close at 8:50am each day. It is really important that if there is a time where you are late, you must report to the school office so they can mark your child in for the day.

Class Dojo

Please remember to sign up to Class Dojo so that you are kept up to date with everything that is happening in school. We have 94% of the school community (not including Pippins) signed up and we are aiming for 100%!

Key Dates Autumn Term 2024


Friday 20th September – School Photographs – Individual Photos Only

Friday 4th October – Mufti Day (£1 donation to the school PTA)

Wednesday 9th October – Friday 11th October – Year 6 Residential

Tuesday 8th October (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Thursday 17th October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Monday 21st October – Flu Vaccines

Tuesday 22nd October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Friday 25th October – End of Autumn Term 1

Saturday 26th October – Sunday 3rd November – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)


Monday 4th November – SCHOOL OPEN (Autumn Term 2)

Friday 8th November – Mufti Day

Wednesday 13th November (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Friday 15th November – Children in Need

Friday 6th December – Christmas Fayre

Monday 9th December – KS1 Shows Dress Rehearsals

Tuesday 10th December – Pippins Christmas Sing Song

Wednesday 11th December – Year One Christmas Sing Song

Thursday 12th December – Year Two Christmas Show

Friday 13th December – Nursery Christmas Sing Along

Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day for ‘Save the Children.’

Monday 16th December – Class Christmas Parties (pm)

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December – KS2 Christmas Service

Friday 20th December – End of Autumn Term 2

Saturday 21st December – Sunday 5th January – SCHOOL CLOSED (Christmas holidays)