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17th January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

In the autumn term, we signed up for a visitor from ‘the specialist and personalised training service’ to complete a behaviour audit of the school.  The audit took place on Monday and our visitor spent time speaking with senior leaders, visiting classrooms and spending breaktime and lunchtime on the playground. We were delighted with his feedback. He commented on the strong ethos of the school,  ‘The work the school has done on emotion coaching has really paid off. Relationships between staff and pupils are incredibly strong and there is an ethos of calmness, kindness and compassion that is felt everywhere.’  He was really impressed with the children and their enjoyment of school and the relationships they have with the staff. It was really nice to have an independent visitor join us for the day and give us such feedback.

Have a smashing weekend everyone.

Best wishes,

Mark Braund

Writing at North Town

Mrs Hayes was so pleased to hear from many parents about our whole school writing focus on ‘The Snowman’. It has certainly excited and enthused the children. I was absolutely thrilled to be visited by a 5 year old on Thursday. She came into my office beaming with pride at her writing. I was so impressed with the wonderful description and excellent use of punctuation. Please see Leah’s work below:

Shortly after Leah’s visit I was invited to have a look at some outstanding efforts in writing from Megan, Josh, Jools and Jacob in Year Six. Once again, I was absolutely delighted with what they had achieved!

Cricket at Taunton School

North Town took two teams to Taunton School last week for a cricket tournament which included Parkfield and St Mary’s in Bridgwater. It was a fantastic morning and the 16 children from North Town had the best time and also represented the school and themselves brilliantly. A huge thank you to Pete Sanderson of Taunton School for organising. Marcus Trescothick was in attendance and was busy umpiring the matches.


Thank you to the parents that took the time to stop and mention my piece on technology in last weeks newsletter. Technology is undoubtedly becoming more and more of a challenge with popular apps. All we ask is that parents and carers continue to monitor the Apps and content that children are accessing. If ever there is a parent needing advice on this, please come and talk to us.

Number Day 2025

I cannot believe that it will be National Number Day again on Friday 7th February. This is a day where we ask the children (as part of mufti day) to wear an item of clothing with a number on. The £1 donation will go to the School PTA.

World Book Day 2025

North Town will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 7th March. This is a day where we ask the children to dress as a book character or wear their pyjamas to school (with the theme of a bedtime story.) Please note that we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 7th March and not Thursday 6th March due to this date clashing with so many other events at the school. The £1 donation will go to the School PTA.

Is your child’s information up-to-date?

It is your responsibility to keep the school informed with the most up-to-date information for your child.  You can update information via the data collection section on the MCAS app. This includes contact information, address, dietary and medical information.  Any changes you request will be changed on the app once the school has checked and accepted them.

If you need any help with updating information, please do not hesitate in contacting us.

Taunton Forest School Holiday Club

Has your child ever been to a holiday activity club that keeps them active, entertained and smiling ALL day?! Well that’s just what we offer!

Our forest school club have a huge variety of forest school activities; Fire Lighting, Den Building, Crafts, Bug Hunting, Whittling, Campfires, Games and So Much More!

Choose from our 3 lengths of stay to suit your needs. Book onto the extended day and your child can take part in advanced fire lighting with an extra tasty fire snack!

Extended Day: 08:30 – 17:30 £36.00 Standard Day Plus: 08.30 – 15.30 £28.00 Standard Day: 09:00 – 15:30 £26.00

Taunton February Half Term Holiday Club | Book Now | Primary Forest School & Sports Education

18th, 19th, 20th February

Book Taunton Club Today !

18th, 19th, 20th February

Book Taunton Club Today !

Dates for the Spring Term

Friday 7th February – Number Day

Friday 14th February – End of Spring Term 1

Saturday 15th February – Sunday 23rd February – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)