Dear parents/carers
It is the end of another busy week and Christmas is getting closer!
This week, two groups of visitors from other primary schools have come to see how we work at North Town and were very complimentary about the children and their levels of enthusiasm and energy. It was great to receive such positive feedback, keep up the good work!
Staff Update
Becky Breen will be leaving on Thursday 1st December 2022 and has an exciting new opportunity working as a Parental and Family Support Advisor (PFSA).
Hayley Giles will be leaving us at the end of the year as she has an exciting opportunity working at a Nursery closer to her home.
Emma Fisk our Kitchen Manager leaves us on 30th November for an exciting new opportunity.
We wish them both the best of luck in their new roles, and thank them for their support during their time with us. We will also be saying goodbye and thankyou to Mrs Jo Littlechild who will be leaving us on 29th November 2022, she has been working in Court Royal whilst Lindsey Lister has been on maternity leave.
Welcome back
We have welcomed Lindsey Lister back from maternity leave and she will be working in Court Royal alongside Mrs. Hayes.
On 30th November we will be welcoming Sophia Hutchings as a Learning Support Assistant along with Georgia Wood and Sian Smythe who will be joining us in the coming months.
Christmas Reminders
Dress Rehearsal for KS1 Performances
All three KS1 year groups will be having their dress rehearsal on Monday 5th December – these are will be filmed by Richard Huish College and parents and carers will be given access to it. If you do not wish for your child to be in the recording, please notify the school office. We politely ask that there is no filming during the actual performances.
Christmas Fayre – correction to the timing
The Christmas Fayre will be held at North Town on Friday 2nd December from 5.30 pm – 7 pm.
If you believe you would be able to offer any help to run a stall, help set up or help clear away then we would love to hear from you. Please let your child’s class teacher or the school office know.
Children In Need – Total
Thank you to everyone who contributed for Children In Need…we raised a grand total of £538.40 which is fantastic!
Have a lovely restful weekend everyone!
Mark Braund
Head Teacher