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22nd September 2023

Dear parents/carers,

It has been another really enjoyable week at North Town. Our new Pippins children have settled in nicely and there is a lovely atmosphere throughout the school. I very much enjoy walking around the school to observe the work the children are completing. I have been delighted with the number of visits to my office from children with beaming smiles showing me their work. This week I have seen some brilliant writing, superb art work and had some fantastic scientific discussions.

The weather has certainly turned! Can I please ask that all children come to school with a coat to ensure that they stay dry when walking to and from school and during playtimes.

Open Mornings for new parents

We have open mornings arranged for any children to start school in September 2024. The dates of these are:

Thursday 19th October 2023 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Thursday 9th November 2023 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am

If you have a child due to start school next year and you would like to book to come and see what we offer, please contact the school office on 01823 284676 or by email to book your place.

Wednesday Coffee mornings

Come along and join us for a drink and a biscuit in our wraparound area.  We will open from 8:45am.  Coffee morning is an opportunity to meet other parents, discuss anything with Mrs Screech (Deputy Head Teacher) and Elaine Duley (Parent Family Support Advisor).  We would love to see you there.

Image result for coffee clipart

Dates for this term:

20th September, 4th October, 18th October, 1st November, 15th November, 29th November and 13th December.

School photos

Unfortunately, due to technological issues we have had to postpone the sibling photos.  Please be assured that the children’s individual photos have been taken, and we will be in contact when a new date has been arranged for the sibling photos.

Parenting information box

In the box this week is some information and advice for parents of children aged 4-8 years around positive behaviour management.  Please take one.  The box is situated on the wall outside the main school office.


Our Nursery offers quality childcare for children aged between two and four from 8:00- 18:00 all year round! We offer a large engaging outdoor space with a mud kitchen, sand pit, construction area and a bike area! Our indoor environment is calming and offers a range of adult and child led learning, a sensory space, home corner, cosy book corner and more! We promote emotional literacy and development by encouraging the children to take part in ‘mindfulness’ each day and have a qualified Thrive practitioner. We have two qualified SENCO’s, an ENCO, and we also have ‘communication friendly setting status.’  We have limited spaces available so feel free to book in a show around with your little ones to join in all the fun! Email : for more information and enquiries!

Mufti Day

Friday 6th October will be the first school Mufti of the year and the money we raise will be split between two charities. St Margrets’s Hospice care charity and PROMISEworks.

St Margret’s hospice care charity makes a difference for patients and their families facing life-limiting illness in our community.

PROMISEworks is a local charity making a big difference in Somerset by offering mentoring services to disadvantaged children across the county.

We are asking if the children can wear something yellow to support the charities and make a £1 donation on the day which will be collected by a member of SLT on the school gate.

Pyrland School open events

Pyrland School Open Evening – Thursday 28th September 4:00pm – 7:30pm

There will be a presentation by the headteacher Ms Webber at 4:00pm, 5:00pm & 6:00pm to allow capacity for everyone to attend one presentation. Visitors can meet our senior leaders and teachers. Student Prefects will help guide visitors around the school and there will be lots of activities in subject areas for everyone to get involved with.

Pyrland School Open Mornings:

Tuesday 3rd October  9:30 – 11:00am

Wednesday 4th October 9:30 – 11:00am

Thursday 5th October  9:30 – 11:00am

Please email reception to book places

The Sound of the Streets


Key Dates for the Autumn Term


Wednesday 4th October – Friday 6th October Year 6 Residential

Friday 6th October 2023 – MUFTI Day – Wear yellow

Tuesday 17th October – Parents Evening – 3:30 pm – 6:15 pm

Friday 20th October 2023 – INSET Day School Closed to Children

Saturday 21st October to Sunday 29th October 2023 – Half Term Holiday