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4th October 2024

Friday 4th October

Happy Friday everyone! Thank you so much for your generous donations for our KS2 Harvest Assembly. The Open Door Charity will be attending the assembly and will be thrilled with the donations.

Exciting news that from Monday our KS1 children will be able to use the new play areas! They have been introduced to them this afternoon by the class teachers and I think it is fair to say they are very excited!

One of the areas will be a KS1 football zone, the other area will have some new play equipment chosen by Mrs Screech. The equipment came courtesy of a kind donation from a parent, through their business. It was a really kind gesture and will make a huge difference and have a huge impact. Attached to the newsletter is a letter that Miss Newstead is in the process of sending to local companies to seek funding to make further improvements at North Town. We would very much appreciate it if any parents or carers know of any businesses that support schools with funding. If parents and carers do know of any businesses that could support, please could you contact Miss Newstead on Class Dojo.

Wishing you all a smashing weekend!

Becky Wilde

A huge thank you to rowing Olympian Becky Wilde, who took time out of her busy schedule to meet the children at North Town and share with them the magic of competing at the Olympics and the feeling of winning a medal! The children were absolutely thrilled to meet her and will remember the day she visited the school.


Please can all parents/carers ensure that they take the time to communicate with the school office team if your child is off unwell. You can do this by leaving a message on the school answer phone (option 1).  Unfortunately, if this is not reported to the school, it is recorded as an unauthorised absence. New government guidance for attendance states that if a child has 10 sessions (5 days) or more of unauthorised absence in a ten week period that it could lead to a penalty fine. All we ask is that the school is informed daily when a child is off school unwell.

Parents Evenings

Just a reminder that the parents evening booking system went live on Wednesday evening. We are thrilled with the number of bookings so far and are aiming for 100% turnout. If you are having any trouble with the booking system, please contact the school office.

Sports Events

On Thursday this week, we played in our final Tag Rugby event at Taunton Rugby Club. We played against Ruishton, Trull & West Buckland. We worked well as a team and were good at passing to each other. We were good at taking the other teams tags. I really enjoyed taking part.  Priya P, 6JF


Here are some dates for your diaries, the popular North Town Discos! This year they are scheduled for:

Friday 15th November

Friday 7th March

Friday 16th May

Friday 4th July

Flu Vaccines

The flu team are in on 21st October to give flu vaccines to all children. All parents and carers should have received a notification through Bromcom on Tuesday 1st October regarding the flu vaccines. It is important that you click on the link and give consent for the ‘flu nasal immunisation’. Sadly, if parents and carers do not do this, the immunisation team will not be able to proceed with the immunisation.

Readers of the Month

This year, we have introduced Readers of the Month! Teachers choose a child in their class that has really impressed them with their reading and their effort and positivity. Below are September’s Readers of the Month – well done all of you, we are super proud of what you have achieved!

As Pippins have all been working hard on their reading and phonics this month, it was just too difficult to choose one per class! Their Reader of the Month will start in October.

Eric (KB)                           Jonty (CR)                    Toby (RR)                         Darcy (GR)

Lauren (3DH)                   Louie (3WH)                   Jack (4AC)                       Finley (4SM)

Laurence (5PC)                Funmi (5EF)                   Grace (6KN)                    Brian (6JF)

Key Dates Autumn Term 2024


Wednesday 9th October – Friday 11th October – Year 6 Residential

Tuesday 8th October (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Thursday 17th October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Monday 21st October – Flu Vaccines

Tuesday 22nd October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Friday 25th October – End of Autumn Term 1

Saturday 26th October – Sunday 3rd November – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)


Monday 4th November – SCHOOL OPEN (Autumn Term 2)

Friday 8th November – Mufti Day

Wednesday 13th November (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Friday 15th November – Children in Need

Friday 6th December – Christmas Fayre

Monday 9th December – KS1 Shows Dress Rehearsals

Tuesday 10th December – Pippins Christmas Sing Song

Wednesday 11th December – Year One Christmas Sing Song

Thursday 12th December – Year Two Christmas Show

Friday 13th December – Nursery Christmas Sing Along

Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day for ‘Save the Children.’

Monday 16th December – Class Christmas Parties (pm)

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December – KS2 Christmas Service

Friday 20th December – End of Autumn Term 2

Saturday 21st December – Sunday 5th January – SCHOOL CLOSED (Christmas holidays)