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6th September 2024

Friday 6th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy Friday everyone! It has been absolutely wonderful opening the gates to North Town for a new academic year. The children were really excited to be back. It has been lovely catching up with the children and so many parents about the holidays.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your comments about the work that has been carried out on the premises at North Town over the summer. The amount of ‘wows’ I have heard has pleased me greatly. This phase of the work is almost complete. Next summer will see the school house become our new home for our office team.

Please can I ask parents and carers to pay special attention to the key dates at the bottom of the newsletter as we have made a few tweaks (not many.)

Have a great weekend

Mr Braund


The first day back came with the delights of rainy weather! There were children in school who came in without coats. It is really important that all children do come to school with a named winter coat to ensure they are warm and kept dry during journeys to school and also playtimes and lunchtimes.

If any parents and carers have any unwanted coats that are too small for their children, we would very much appreciate donations so that we can lend to a child if they forget their coat.

Class Dojo

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have signed up to Class Dojo. Please do take the time to sign up so that you can be kept updated on class news throughout the year.

Year Group Curriculum Statements

Look out for the Year Group Autumn Term Curriculum Statements that will be sent out to all parents and carers next week. This is a termly document that informs you of what the children will be covering in school as well as lots of other important key information.


If your child takes regular medication, and you have not already done so, please ensure that you bring it to the school office with a filled in medication form.

It is your responsibility to keep us up to date of any medical or dietary needs that your child has.

Heritage Open Days

St James is one of 7 venues in Taunton taking part in the Heritage Open Days,  A national event where Historic buildings promote local history.


St James is opening our tower PLUS we have a living history event on 7th and 14th where people are portraying several historical 19th Century people, including an 18th century explorer and 19th century prison governor and headmaster, the result of ongoing rearch into original sources.

The church will be open with displays up on 9th, 11th,12th and 13th – (But no actors present and tower won’t be open) if anyone wanted to pop in and see what we’ve been doing.

Key Dates Autumn Term 2024


Friday 20th September – School Photographs – Individual Photos Only

Friday 4th October – Mufti Day (£1 donation to the school PTA)

Wednesday 9th October – Friday 11th October – Year 6 Residential

Wednesday 9th October (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Thursday 17th October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Monday 21st October – Flu Vaccines

Tuesday 22nd October (3:35-6:05) – Parents’ Evening

Friday 25th October – End of Autumn Term 1

Saturday 26th October – Sunday 3rd November – SCHOOL CLOSED (Half term)


Monday 4th November – SCHOOL OPEN (Autumn Term 2)

Friday 8th November – Mufti Day

Wednesday 13th November (9:30-10:30) – Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Friday 15th November – Children in Need

Friday 6th December – Christmas Fayre

Monday 9th December – KS1 Shows Dress Rehearsals

Tuesday 10th December – Pippins Christmas Sing Song

Wednesday 11th December – Year One Christmas Sing Song

Thursday 12th December – Year Two Christmas Show

Friday 13th December – Nursery Christmas Sing Along

Friday 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day for ‘Save the Children.’

Monday 16th December – Class Christmas Parties (pm)

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December – KS2 Christmas Service

Friday 20th December – End of Autumn Term 2

Saturday 21st December – Sunday 5th January – SCHOOL CLOSED (Christmas holidays)